Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chloe is Eleven Months!!

Oh wow! Eleven months...really? And one day...I am late again!!

Chloe isn't doing too much new these days. Just growing, learning and discovering new things every day...every hour. She is so precious and I cannot believe we are nearing her first birthday already.

We are finished with our visit to Grandpa Allan and now we wait for Nana Alana to come in from Bermuda and Grandma Crystal and FredPa to come in from Ohio to help us celebrate her first birthday. We will just be doing something small and somewhat quiet locally. Well, the quiet depends on if little Miss Claire is able to come. Claire is scheduled for surgery on November 2nd, so her and Auntie Andie may have to postpone their visit to Virginia...but, who knows they may make it. All that is important is the health and recovery of our neice, Claire. Chloe will understand!

Hope everyone had a great summer!! Now we get ready for the winter!

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