Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!!!

Ahh....Chloe's first Halloween!! So exciting! I got to dress her up in her Strawberry Fairy costume twice. And, she pretty much hated it both times. Not fun. Tonight our condo hosted a little Halloween party in the building. It was really great to meet other kids and parents in the building. We met at 6pm and all went trick or treating thru the building......17 floors.....together. It was exhausting!! We then met up again and they provided refreshments, cookies, games and a costume contest. Chloe loved walking up and down the aisles, running away from me and the crowd most of the time and just being with all the other children (about 30). Chloe is also a thief! She stole other kids jiuce boxes, cookies, candy and other odds and ends. This is nothing new as she often takes other kids' binkys, bottles and blankets from there whereever and whenever she can. It's harmless, I think...? At the party, she also walked away with Runner Up Prize for Cutest Costume!! Yay!!

All in all, as Brad said...her first Halloween was a success. She is sleeping now....and hopefully she pooped herself out so much she sleeps thru the whole night - now wouldn't that be a real TREAT!

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