Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another Road Trip to Ohio!

Chloe went on yet another road trip this past weekend to Ohio for cousin Claire's baptism. We had a great time, as usual. We got to meet some of Claire's other baby cousins this time too (Landon and Braydon) which was really nice. So cute all the babies!!Chloe and Claire interacted a little more than the last time they saw each other now that they are both bigger. Claire is rolling over and trying to sit and crawl. Chloe is able to run cirlces around her - and all the adults too. It's quite tiring! She is not walking yet though....but, she can crawl and cruise really fast!

We tried to give the two a bath together............that did not go so well. Claire was happy as always...Chloe did not like it one bit! I dont know if it was the big tub (because I still have her in the infant tub in the kitchen sink) or if it was the fact that another person was in there with her. I think it was the tub itself.

Oh yeah - total coincidence!! I got Chloe her PJs in one room, Mitch got Claire's PJs in another room - and when we both came out with the same ones.....we all laughed!

Chloe's eighth tooth made its debut yesterday. It has just broken the skin. But, I am excited as now she will have four on both top and bottom. Symmetry! Yay! She also took a few more steps at Grandma and Grandpa's this weekend. And....she took like five whole steps here last night. It was pretty exciting. She now points at everything. Still clapping, but the waiving (except the double arm flaying) has gone by the wayside. Oh well. There is only so much room for acquired skills and sometimes the old ones suffer to allow room for the new ones. They are not totally forgotten I am sure. She is babbling lots more these days too. No precise words yet, but we will let you know when she does. Chloe, like most children....hates to head the word 'NO' - now, that's funny to watch. She goes from happy (because she is getting into mischief presumably) to really, really sad and crying. All fake I warn you, all fake (the tears). It's all pretty cute if you ask me!
Well, that's really it for us Kells' for now. Lots of the same, despite all the travel and excitement. We hope everyone is enjoying their summers!!

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