Thursday, July 16, 2009

Chloe Takes Her First Step!!

Chloe took her first solo step on Tuesday!!!! Like I previously reported, she has been standing for several seconds on her own and yesterday she went to the next step - pun intended! It was so exciting!! Brad thought she made like a half step the night before so we knew it wasn't far off. But, I was in the condo lobby hanging out for just a bit and put her down and she crawled away from me, and then viola! - she took two (2) BIG steps before she fell to her butt. Innocent bystanders in the lobby probably thought I was crazy jumping up and down and asking my friend if she saw it too. Oh well, babies do make you a tad crazy in that way, don't they? Today she took another one step. However, Chloe is so advanced in just about everything...this is one thing I am not rushing. Once she starts walking....that's it!

Chloe, I discovered today, is also a climber - big time. I caught her on top of our tool box today, reaching for her books on the bookshelf. This is no small tool box let me tell you. Then, soon after, we were playing on the floor and she crawled up onto my legs, onto our ottoman and onto our couch. Amazing. Now not only do I have to worry about her crawling, and walking....I have to worry about her vertical abilities too!!

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