Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Picture Time!

I know I take a lot of pictures myself, but Brad and I wanted to see what the professionals could do. So, off the lil supermodel went to her first studio session. She was really, really good for the whole thing. They were running a bit behind, which got on my nerves seeing as a 6 1/2 month baby (not to mention her parents) has only so much patience. The only real difficult thing doing picutres at this stage in the game is that Chloe did not want to sit still! She can roll over, crawl and stand up now...so, getting the poses were a tad hard. But,...we got some great ones I think! Nearly 3 hours later - we were done with the shoot and the ordering and all that. Geesh! Check out the slideshow for more pics...what an angel!

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