Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mommy Day!!

My first Mothers Day! Every day with Chloe is special, but, this Sunday was the greatest of all - so far! Brad and Chloe pampered Mommy with lunch, a hair cut and color (which was much needed!) and a new VB bag! I don't know which part was the best? All of it! I wish it was every weekend. Enough about me.........on to the little one!

Chloe is almost sitting up. Check her out at lunch in a big girl high chair!! I have posted a video of her trying to sit up and crawling a bit. It is so hard to capture these things on photos/videos because she moves so fast, and you have to be fully prepared at all times (which I am not). She is so cute. She also seems like she wants to stand. One skill at a time baby girl!

As previously reported...she has two teeth. Only difference is I finally got proof for you! She does not like to show off her teefies at all....but, I did it (click on pic to enlarge)! So cute. No more have come in - yet. But I am sure they are just around the corner.
Other than all that, not too much else. She is still eating...albeit not too much. She has not been sleeping thru the night for a few weeks now. I really don't know why or what else to do. She wakes up just famished it seems. I am just going with it for now. I usually get a short nap each day out of her. She doesn't seem to like to sleep as much as she used to (sigh). She is a growing baby and this is all part of the territory I supppose!
We take her to the doctor on May 21st. She will be 6 1/2 months at that time - I wonder what our new 'instructions' will be and how much she weighs?

I know its a little late, but -


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