Thursday, September 23, 2010

Costa Rica Vacation

The Kells have gone and returned from another international visit. We went to Costa Rica to visit my Dad for a week. We had such a great time. We got to relax, swim, shop, eat and sightsee. Chloe was really good on the flights, although I will admit there were a few restless moments, but she did great for a toddler. Heck, we were quite restless from time to time with the long traveling days.
She had a blast in Costa Rica. Spoiled my my Dad, Papa, and his girlfriend Angie, or Gigi as Chloe called her, she was obviously the center of attention for 8 days. We didn't worry too much about the 2 hour time difference and just let her eat when she was hungry, play all day and sleep when she was tired. And she sure did sleep well everyday! Although it was very relaxing we kept pretty busy. We got to attend the Costa Rica (and the whole of Central America) Independence Day parade. We got to go to an African Zoo in Costa Rica...a bit strange but really cool. Chloe got to feed giraffes, deers, camels and other animals. She was not frightened at all, she loved it. Who would have thunk the girl who screamed at the mere sight of Santa would love hand feeding a 15 foot giraffe carrots? As my Dad and Angie repeated time and time again - 'Chloe, she scared of nothing!'
Chloe also hit another milestone by swimming, with the aid of water wings!! It was pretty amazing how well and how quickly she conquered this skill. A few weeks before we left we went to the pool when cousin Evie was in town - who had on armbands, and Chloe wanted hers on. Well, that was day one. Day two I did a quick no hands - and she squealed and giggled with excitment. By day three, I could not hold her at all!! Fearless I tell you. In Costa Rica she took it to the next level. Dunking her head in the water, swimming all around the pool by herself (under close supervision of course!) and the grand finale of jumping in the pool by herself!!! Next summer there will be no stopping her!
All in all, we just had a great time. It was hard to leave as usual and as expected. We cannot wait until next time already. Thanks so much Dad for a wonderful vacation!

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