Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chloe is 22 Months Old!

Is someone kidding me here....22 months! We are on the 2 month countdown to 2!!! Chloe is up to the same ol things these days, just perfecting and expanding them a little. She is still very active - climbing, running and jumping all over the house. She really loves her gym class every week that teaches her new skills to practice at home. She loves books and is even sitting a little still to read. Her talking is progressing quite well and now she has a fairly large stockpile of words she knows how to say. A few of her newest are backpack, frog, cup and eat. Regardless of how many words she knows, one thing is for sure - she can get her message across really well. She makes you understand!

It is not only hard to believe that our baby is approaching two, but that it is September already. Before we know it, it'll be Halloween (she is gonna be a kitty cat!), Birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas and another year. I am not in a rush, I assure you....but, boy are these moments, days and weeks flying by. Cheers to a great summer!

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