Sunday, February 14, 2010

Be Mine? Happy Valentines Day!

Hope everyone's day is filled with love! There are all kinds of love in this world so I am sure everyone can find and share some form of love today. We know we love our little Valentine (and each other) today and all the the days of the year!! We took Chloe to the doctor on Tuesday and the doctor was happy with her, as usual. She weighed in at 20lb 3oz (12th percentile) and measures 30 in (37th percentile). She finally broke the 20 pound mark which was exciting, but is steadily falling as far as percentiles go. We are not a bit worried, she is a very healthy baby! And, she has a big brain!! Her head is measuring in the 80th percentile. Some say she has fairy/Tinkerbell qualities with her little body, big head and big eyes. I will take that as a compliment. She is just darling!!

Other than that, she is on the verge of getting more teeth! We can hardly believe more are on their way already. I think any day now they will pop thru. She is babbling more and more. Brad and I both swear we hear all sorts of things. A tad non-sensical, but yet understandable. She is a total copy cat. Everything you say and do she wants, and tries, to do. Yesterday she devoured a bowl of chips AND salsa just because we were! It was adorable. And messy!

1 comment:

Ed Henry said...

She certainly is a charmer - and so brilliant! Her Senior Uncle is so proud of her.