Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chloe is 15 Months Old!!

Chloe is really getting to be a big girl these days. She is 15 months old!! I say the same thing every month, but it's true every month - I can't believe how time is flying.

We just got back from a week vacation in Bermuda celebrating my Mom's 50th Birthday! We had a great time. Got to see lots of family during the week, got to finally meet my lil nephew Julian and his Mom Ana. They had a few fun play dates. Chloe and I strollered into town nearly everyday, went to the park, walked around, took a ferry ride and visited lots of people. My Mom's birthday was a huge success and we overall just had a great time!

Chloe's newest and oh so adorable trick is blowing kisses!! I love it! She does a big MWAA sound and it is so precious. I will try to capture this on video sometime soon. Other than that she is just a running, climbing, playing, dancing lil princess! She has also really learned the word NO lately. This comes in handy sometimes and can be a bit naughty at times too. She has really started to say a lot more, which is nice. Her favorite word is bye-bye. She always wants to go bye-bye - getting her jacket and shoes and waiting at the gate or door. It's pretty cute I must admit. We suspect she is getting more teeth already. Her hand now permanently resides in her mouth! Overall, she is still a happy and healthy little girl.

We go to her 15 month well baby check up this week, so I will post on her growth progress then.

Enjoy the pictures!!

Superbowl anyone????

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