Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanks for the Gifts!

This week Chloe got two special gifts!! The first was from our neighbor upstairs of whom we have been visiting with a few times recently for some Mommy-Baby play nights. She has twins, a boy and a girl who are 3 1/2 years old. Because she only had one....and it's very pink....she let Chloe have it. And Oh My does she just love it!!! As soon as she wakes up every day (yesterday and today) she goes and gets right on the bike/car toy. It's really funny. She plays on it all day like nothing else exists! Check out a picture of her on Thursday morning when she woke up, walked out into the living room and found it there (left)!! And the the other (right) is again later that day...still happy as can be! You would think Christmas had already come! So sweet.

We also got a very special gift from Aunt Jean. These are more special to us right now.....but, they are just the most precious things I have ever laid eyes on. Jean took her little newborn pink cordroy shoes that she wore so often and had them bronzed. You don't see that much any more, but you should. Thanks again so, so much Jean! We will treasure them forever.

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