Monday, December 7, 2009

Chloe is 13 Months!

Not too much to report as I have been heavily blogging it seems lately. But,....our baby is now well over the 1-year (as in 12 months) mark!! She is 13 months today!! Woweee!!

We also want to make a special shout out to our lil baby Claire. She got her casts off today and is doing well. Great even!! She goes for some check ups over the next few months, but no more surgery til next year May. We love you Claire and can't wait to see you in the flesh at Christmas and give you a big hug and kiss!!!

We put up the Christmas tree tonight and the few house decorations we have. Brad played some oldie but goodie Christmas music and we made an hour or so of it. Chloe was quite excited with all the ornaments. For every one I put ON the tree....she took two or three OFF the tree. So, yeah...that took a while. That's okay. I know this is her second Christmas, but it's her first one that she is more aware of. Last Christmas she was only 7 weeks old! Time flies. Should be a fun one!!


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