Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Chloe celebrated her second Christmas this year. We had her Nana in town, which was wonderful. We stayed home in the morning and had breakfast, opened presents and stockings, played and napped and then headed over to Aunt Connie and Uncle Ed's for dinner. It was really great!

The Kells have just arrived today to have a late celebration of Christmas. So, now we are surrounded by family and it's great. Auntie Andie and cousin Claire made the visit along with Grandma Crystal and Fredpa so this should be a fun couple of days with the two baby girls. YAY!

Hope everyone has had a great holiday season so far! Up next - New Years and a new year....already!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Chloe is 13 Months!

Not too much to report as I have been heavily blogging it seems lately. But,....our baby is now well over the 1-year (as in 12 months) mark!! She is 13 months today!! Woweee!!

We also want to make a special shout out to our lil baby Claire. She got her casts off today and is doing well. Great even!! She goes for some check ups over the next few months, but no more surgery til next year May. We love you Claire and can't wait to see you in the flesh at Christmas and give you a big hug and kiss!!!

We put up the Christmas tree tonight and the few house decorations we have. Brad played some oldie but goodie Christmas music and we made an hour or so of it. Chloe was quite excited with all the ornaments. For every one I put ON the tree....she took two or three OFF the tree. So, yeah...that took a while. That's okay. I know this is her second Christmas, but it's her first one that she is more aware of. Last Christmas she was only 7 weeks old! Time flies. Should be a fun one!!


Daddy's Holiday Party!!

Chloe went to her first Holiday Party this past Saturday!! She was the only little one there....and she was the star of the show! The Belle of the Ball!! And a ball she did have. She provided many laughs and tons of entertainment for all to see. She was on the move the entire evening. She danced and danced, when no one else would....Chloe was on the dance floor. It was funny! And so cute! When the disco lights came on....oh my,...she was amazed and chasing the lights! At one point (and I didn't manage to capture it on the camera - bummer) she ran/danced across the floor, fell to her knees and started pumping up and down like she was really rockin out! The crowd surrounding her was roaring with laughter. We really want to thank Senate FCU for the spectacular evening, great food and wonderful time we had. We would not have been able to go had they not allowed our lil princess to tag along for the night. And Chloe - thank you for being such a trooper - so sociable, so friendly, so funny and so cooperative!! We love you very much Boo Boo.

Here is a video of her's a little dark so I hope you can make it out. Just her covering the dance floor!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanks for the Gifts!

This week Chloe got two special gifts!! The first was from our neighbor upstairs of whom we have been visiting with a few times recently for some Mommy-Baby play nights. She has twins, a boy and a girl who are 3 1/2 years old. Because she only had one....and it's very pink....she let Chloe have it. And Oh My does she just love it!!! As soon as she wakes up every day (yesterday and today) she goes and gets right on the bike/car toy. It's really funny. She plays on it all day like nothing else exists! Check out a picture of her on Thursday morning when she woke up, walked out into the living room and found it there (left)!! And the the other (right) is again later that day...still happy as can be! You would think Christmas had already come! So sweet.

We also got a very special gift from Aunt Jean. These are more special to us right now.....but, they are just the most precious things I have ever laid eyes on. Jean took her little newborn pink cordroy shoes that she wore so often and had them bronzed. You don't see that much any more, but you should. Thanks again so, so much Jean! We will treasure them forever.