Sunday, November 22, 2009

Molar Time!!

Chloe is getting all four of her molars!! What a load of fun, let me tell you. This poor baby girl, every time she gets a tooth....she gets like 4 or 5!! When we went to Bermuda this summer, she left with only her two bottom teeth, on our way back...she had 7!! Now, all four molars are coming in at once. One is just about thru, the others are really puffy and just about joining the rest. She is a trooper though, that's for sure. She has had that dang runny nose again since last week and ran a temperature (for the first time!!) this Friday night. But, she is back on the up and up again, playing and acting more like her old self. Sleeping is still a bit of an issue with the nose and all the pain...but last night was better than the previous 2 or 3, so that's good!

We had a pretty relaxing weekend which was nice and needed. Aunt Connie came and had a visit with us on Friday evening, ran around just a little on Saturday and today Daddy went to watch the Steelers [lose] and Chloe and I chilled at home and went for a walk because it was such a nice day. I took some pics of her today and I thought she was posing like a supermodel!! For once, getting a shot of her face has become an increasingly difficult challenge given her speed and curiousity!

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