Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Chloe celebrated her second Thanksgiving, a first of sorts - her first holiday to celebrate for the second time! So exciting. Brad's parents, brother and girlfriend came into town to share the holiday with us and our Aunt Connie and Uncle Ed. We had a really great time eating turkey, playing, hanging out together and even did some shopping on Black Friday.
Today when I was uploading some pictures, I accidentally clicked on 11-29-2008 instead of 11-29-2009.........what a difference a click makes!!! It was Thanksgiving from last year!! Our baby has grown and changed so much.

On other news.....ALL four of Chloe's molars have now made their debut!! One is really in, and the other three have just broken the skin. She said she wants steak for dinner tomorrow night! Ha ha ha! I wish. She still eats like a little birdie with some good days mixed in there. Oh well. You win some you lose some. All in all, we have a very healthy and happy lil baby girl.

In conclusion....that is what we are most thankful for this year. Our wonderful, precious, funny, smart, lovable cutie pie - CHLOE ALEXIS ROSE KELL. Our lives have been fovever changed with your arrival and we couldn't be happier. We are also thankful for all of our family, friends and loved ones near and far. HAPPY onto CHRISTMAS!! Oh my!

P.S. I am having technical difficulties with my slideshow.....bummmmmmmer!! I will keep trying and hope to have more pics up soon.

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