Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Chloe celebrated her second Thanksgiving, a first of sorts - her first holiday to celebrate for the second time! So exciting. Brad's parents, brother and girlfriend came into town to share the holiday with us and our Aunt Connie and Uncle Ed. We had a really great time eating turkey, playing, hanging out together and even did some shopping on Black Friday.
Today when I was uploading some pictures, I accidentally clicked on 11-29-2008 instead of 11-29-2009.........what a difference a click makes!!! It was Thanksgiving from last year!! Our baby has grown and changed so much.

On other news.....ALL four of Chloe's molars have now made their debut!! One is really in, and the other three have just broken the skin. She said she wants steak for dinner tomorrow night! Ha ha ha! I wish. She still eats like a little birdie with some good days mixed in there. Oh well. You win some you lose some. All in all, we have a very healthy and happy lil baby girl.

In conclusion....that is what we are most thankful for this year. Our wonderful, precious, funny, smart, lovable cutie pie - CHLOE ALEXIS ROSE KELL. Our lives have been fovever changed with your arrival and we couldn't be happier. We are also thankful for all of our family, friends and loved ones near and far. HAPPY onto CHRISTMAS!! Oh my!

P.S. I am having technical difficulties with my slideshow.....bummmmmmmer!! I will keep trying and hope to have more pics up soon.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Molar Time!!

Chloe is getting all four of her molars!! What a load of fun, let me tell you. This poor baby girl, every time she gets a tooth....she gets like 4 or 5!! When we went to Bermuda this summer, she left with only her two bottom teeth, on our way back...she had 7!! Now, all four molars are coming in at once. One is just about thru, the others are really puffy and just about joining the rest. She is a trooper though, that's for sure. She has had that dang runny nose again since last week and ran a temperature (for the first time!!) this Friday night. But, she is back on the up and up again, playing and acting more like her old self. Sleeping is still a bit of an issue with the nose and all the pain...but last night was better than the previous 2 or 3, so that's good!

We had a pretty relaxing weekend which was nice and needed. Aunt Connie came and had a visit with us on Friday evening, ran around just a little on Saturday and today Daddy went to watch the Steelers [lose] and Chloe and I chilled at home and went for a walk because it was such a nice day. I took some pics of her today and I thought she was posing like a supermodel!! For once, getting a shot of her face has become an increasingly difficult challenge given her speed and curiousity!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Chloe's Twelve Month Check Up Results

We took Chloe to her 12 month well-baby visit this morning. Everything went great. There was a little wait, due to all the sickies I think! But, that's okay. Doctor was happy with Chloe and her growth and development and everything. She is still a little peanut! She weighed in at 18lbs 120z (15th percentile) and 29in (50th percentile). We were sure she had broke the 20lb mark, but....nope. So cute!

Our visit with my Mom was great and now it's all over....till next time at least. We miss her so much already. We really had a great time celebrating Chloe's first birthday, eating, shopping and just hanging out. And, laughing of course!! Chloe was obsessssssed with my Mom's purse and all the items inside of it. She would lift up the purse and drag it all over the place and this is no light purse! Determination I tell you...and brut strength!! And check out the new slippers Nana got Chloe - she loves them. She would bring them to her every night so that she could put them on her. She is so funny. Such a huge personality for such a little person! Chloe also got her toe toes painted for the first time........I am not sure what to think about it yet.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chloe is ONE Years Old!!!!

Chloe turned ONE on Saturday November 7th!! How amazing! She had a really great day spending time with her grandparents, aunts, uncles, great grandparents, friends and us! Chloe received many presents.....toooo many.....and we thank everyone for everything. We had pizza and cake and ice cream - very simple. Having family in town made her day truly special and it would not have been the same without you. Chloe really just had fun running around and being the star of the day!

Along with it being a day of celebration for Chloe, it was also a day of accomplishment, pride and joy for Brad and I. We made it!!! Thinking back to a year ago was pretty nostalgic. Remembering all the little things....what we were doing, thinking and feeling at certain times leading up to her arrival. We have fond memories of our lives before Chloe.......but, all of that pails in comparison to the happiness she has brought into our lives. Although we knew life would never be the same, who could imagine it could be this great?

We love you all and appreciate and thank you so very much for all of your help, support, care, concern and love that you have shown us three over the past year. When you think of the best things in your will realize they are not things at all.