Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wedding Weekend in West VA

Us Kells were off to yet another town, for another weekend, for another wedding!! We had a really great time and visit with the family in Morgantown, WVA. The wedding weekend was absolutely fabulous! We all got there on Friday night (a bit late - thanks DC traffic!!) but we still managed to have a wonderful evening at dinner and hanging out back at the hotel. We got to see Grandma Crystal, FredPa, Auntie Andie, Uncle Mitch and cousin Claire, Uncle Joe from Ohio, Connie and Ed from our neck of the woods and all of Brad's Dad sisters and brothers and their kids, and their kids' kids etc. It was a busy weekend.

Chloe was litterally walking circles around her cousin Claire. You can see there is a lot of love, and mutual curiousity between the two of them. They are close in age...but closer in size!! It was cute to see them interact as they are in such different phases of development. Claire is sitting up and crawling and is such a happy, bubbly baby. Oh - and very chatty!! I think she wins that prize. Chloe is very active - walking...and tries running...tumbling, clapping (she wins that prize - omg!!), pointing, waving, laughing (when everyone else (or the tv) is laughing) and is just very playful, with quite a short attention span I might add. She is always looking to move on to the next thing and can hardly just sit and enjoy whatever it is she is doing at the moment. To be almost 10 months again!! All that energy! This week Chloe learned how to stand up by herself and start walking. Before she had to have an object to pull up on first. Now, she bends over and squats and walks. We all went for a dip at the hotel pool and that was also a lot of fun. I dunked Chloe completely underwater for the first time!! It was funny. Courage in numbers I suppose - FredPa said it would be okay. And it was.

The wedding itself was really great. Jamie and Jimmy looked so pretty and handsome and threw a fun bash. The baby girls didn't last too long. It was a very, very long day for everyone. Grandma Crystal was kind enough to turn in early and babysit the pair of sleeping beauties and let Andie and I return to the wedding for a short while. We woke this morning, had breakfast and we were back in the car headed home.
Now, reality for another few weeks. Then,......we are off to Costa Rica!!! We cannot wait!!

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