Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wedding Weekend in West VA

Us Kells were off to yet another town, for another weekend, for another wedding!! We had a really great time and visit with the family in Morgantown, WVA. The wedding weekend was absolutely fabulous! We all got there on Friday night (a bit late - thanks DC traffic!!) but we still managed to have a wonderful evening at dinner and hanging out back at the hotel. We got to see Grandma Crystal, FredPa, Auntie Andie, Uncle Mitch and cousin Claire, Uncle Joe from Ohio, Connie and Ed from our neck of the woods and all of Brad's Dad sisters and brothers and their kids, and their kids' kids etc. It was a busy weekend.

Chloe was litterally walking circles around her cousin Claire. You can see there is a lot of love, and mutual curiousity between the two of them. They are close in age...but closer in size!! It was cute to see them interact as they are in such different phases of development. Claire is sitting up and crawling and is such a happy, bubbly baby. Oh - and very chatty!! I think she wins that prize. Chloe is very active - walking...and tries running...tumbling, clapping (she wins that prize - omg!!), pointing, waving, laughing (when everyone else (or the tv) is laughing) and is just very playful, with quite a short attention span I might add. She is always looking to move on to the next thing and can hardly just sit and enjoy whatever it is she is doing at the moment. To be almost 10 months again!! All that energy! This week Chloe learned how to stand up by herself and start walking. Before she had to have an object to pull up on first. Now, she bends over and squats and walks. We all went for a dip at the hotel pool and that was also a lot of fun. I dunked Chloe completely underwater for the first time!! It was funny. Courage in numbers I suppose - FredPa said it would be okay. And it was.

The wedding itself was really great. Jamie and Jimmy looked so pretty and handsome and threw a fun bash. The baby girls didn't last too long. It was a very, very long day for everyone. Grandma Crystal was kind enough to turn in early and babysit the pair of sleeping beauties and let Andie and I return to the wedding for a short while. We woke this morning, had breakfast and we were back in the car headed home.
Now, reality for another few weeks. Then,......we are off to Costa Rica!!! We cannot wait!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Visit with the Great Grandparents

Chloe's Great Grandparents (Grandma Crystal's parents), Jamma and PopPop, came into town this weekend to spend time with us and Chloe and we had such a wonderful visit. We went out to eat a few times, we went to the museum today (Native American), hung out at home and.....they babysitted!!!!! On Saturday night they offered to watch Chloe and let Brad and I go out. Hesitantly, we went. We didn't go too far, and we didn't stay too long...but, it was really nice for Brad and I to get away, even if for just less than two hours. And, what a homecoming!! I hardly ever leave, so I hardly ever come home and have Chloe greet me. They said she was really good pretty much the entire time - she kept them busy. This baby girl does not stop for anything! Once home, she clung to me for the rest of the night....and, I didn't mind one bit!

Today we ventured out to breakfast and downtown to the mall. Jamma and PopPop wanted to go to the Native American Smithsonian. It was a pretty spectacular building with some really cool exhibits. Chloe did wonderful! We were there for over 2.5 hours (even sat thru a 13 minute movie!!)! Then we strolled to the Capitol Building. That was nice too. It was a gorgeous day and we were happy to be out enjoying it.

All in all, we had a great weekend. Next weekend we are off again to PA for our cousin's wedding. We will get to see the whole Mansfield clan in addition to a lot of FredPa's side of the family at the wedding and during the weekend. Yay!!
Chloe is walking like a champ these days. She can walk really well from one side of the room to the other. She can change direction, turn in circles and recover from most unsteady wobbles. She does look a bit drunk at's really cute. It seems like she wants to run...that's usually when she falls! Everyday she converts Chloe's Corner into Chloe's Disaster Zone! Of which Mommy and/or Daddy have to pick up each night. She is eating real people food (see pic of her eating her first grilled cheese - and clapping too!). She doesn't like that baby food much at all. Still only has a small appetite. She has a new bedtime routine (8pm bath and usually asleep by 9pm) and it has been going wonderfully for the past 3 weeks. It's good for all of us. She is still not sleeping thru the nite...oh well. I can't fight it. And, just in case you were wondering...that cry it out thing only lasted one night - for 30 minutes!!! Just not our style.
Everything else is going good. I feel the pressure of the close of summer and am getting sad about that. I don't want it to end! When it means her first birthday is around the corner! NOO!! But, we have a few more adventures in store before then so it's okay!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chloe's Costume Poll

As Chloe's first Halloween approaches I am in search of the cutest costume for her and I need your help.

Vote for your fave on the poll (sidebar)!!

Here are your choices:



Friday, August 7, 2009

Chloe is Nine Months Old!!!

Chloe had her Nine-Month Well-Baby visit today. It went pretty really great - no shots!! Just one prick! The doctor, as usual, was very happy with her growth - physically and developmentally. Chloe weighed in at 17lbs 4oz and 27in. She is still in the 25th percentile ("petite" as the doctor described her) for both her weight and height and 50th percentile for her head circumference. She thought Chloe looked a tad anemic (pale lips) so we had her tested. She needed a score of 11 to pass, and she got an 11.0 (thus the prick). She screamed as the nurse was coming for her with the lil pricker thing. Funny girl. She recovered rather quickly, thank goodness.

We also discussed her eating and sleeping habits. And, we got more tips on the food which was helpful. I can give her a whole bunch of things,...with confidence now! I was trying to amp up the food intake for her recently anyways but I am not always so lucky...she doesn't eat too much at all. And the dreaded sleeping issues we have been having were confronted....argh....she wants us to try to let her cry it out and all that jazz so that she learns to put herself to sleep. Its good, just going to be tough. She said 4-6 months, or 14-16 lbs, is when you can start this. So...we are there. Didn't really dive into it today or tonight....but, we will. Who wants to hear a baby cry? Not me.

Other than that not too much else going on. We have had some beautiful days here in VA recently. And of course our pool has been closed all week and will be for the next week too. Sigh. So, I ventured outside with the munchkin today, and a blanket, and an array of toys, snacks and water. was great. All 25 minutes of it. I was getting bit up...and it was really sunny. I didn't want her to get burnt or bitten. Oh well. Such is life.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Here's the Lil' Hot Stepper!

After about a dozen or so short videos - - I finally got a short clip of Chloe walking!!! I took her to the mall yesterday for a little bit and let her play at the indoor play area (what a freakin' zoo!!). She had a really good time. She had one lil boyfriend (see him below). LOL!! He was one (of the few) sweet kids. He even gave her a kiss. He was so gentle. But, we had a great time playing on the soft tree trunks, logs, lady bugs, frogs and playing tag with another group of admirers (that was a bit tiring for Mommy!). The most rewarding thing was she slept so well last night. Ahhhhh....

Monday, August 3, 2009

Where Did The Time Go??

I knew Chloe was growing at lightening speed - I say it all the emails to friends, on the blog for all to read, on the phone to family members, on facebook to long lost pals, in passing to neighbors and so on......but today I really baby is growing up.

As I lay in bed with Chloe, putting her down for a much needed and much fought nap (of which I did succeed, if only for a mere hour) it dawns on me. The room is quiet, all I really hear is her breathing...and I stare at the picture on my dresser. It's of her. A sonogram. There she is - a one-dimensional human being that kicked in my tummy. Stuck in the frame, I have another picture of her from when she was only a few weeks old. There she is - a two-dimensional baby girl smiling back at me. And then I look down. There she is. It's my beautiful three-dimentional Boo Boo (that's what I call her). And I am stunned. I am happy, I am overwhelmed. She is about to be NINE months old!! Where did the time go?

I know where the time went...but, when you get to the point where your baby is as old as you carried her for - it's a bit of a strange feeling. I am so happy, but at the same time...I don't want it all to go too fast. Already there are so many fleeting moments and memories jumbled in my brain. But, it's all okay. We have a deal.....she will stop at 1. She will forever be 12 months and 31 days!! No - it'll be okay, it'll be wonderful watching her grow up (but, slowly, please....).
On to more exciting news...............Today, Chloe woke up and was ready to WALK!!! We all slept in this morning, and when we entered the living room to start our day, she decided today was the day she was really going to give it a good go. Up til now, she has been taking one or two steps at a time. Sometimes three or four as a fluke. But today she has been walking five/six plus steps at a time today, all day. Its magical! She also motions with her hands, "Come here" - we think she may have picked this up from us encouraging her "Come, walk to Mommy/Daddy". It's pretty cute. Needless to, there has been a lot of clapping!!!!!!!!!!