Thursday, May 7, 2009

Chloe is Six Months Old!

Oh my! It's so hard to believe that our lil baby girl is six months old! Where did the time go?

Chloe is growing so much, so fast. She now has two teeth!! One came in on Saturday, and one came in the next day on Sunday. I nearly fell over when Brad said he thinks there are two and not one. Now we suspect that more are coming again. Fasten your seatbelts boys and girls - or Mommy and Daddy!

She eats cereal (although she is not terribly interested in it yet) twice a day. We just started that this week. I feed her at mid-day and Brad feeds her in the evening. Works out quite well. She eats much better for him than for me. This could be due to a number of factors - a. its a different time of day b. its a different person or c. she knows I have the milk! - her food of choice. Its probably all of the above.
Chloe is still moving around everywhere. Today she nearly sat up by herself!! She also crawled a few steps for the first time today! She has gotten up on all fours before and has taken one movement or so, and rocks back and forth, but today (for our Skype session with Nana Banana) she actually moved foward in a crawling position. It was great! Wounded soldier is still her go to for now. Hey - its works!

Chloe also makes lots of noise. She is really learning the depths of what kinds of sounds she can make - and how loud she can be too. Loud. Whoa! Loud. She blows spit rasberries, and enjoys them very much.

She is just a wonderful little munchkin and we are so fortunate that we have a happy (for the most part!) and healthy baby in our lives. Cheers to the next six months! And lets hope they don't fly by us like the first! Even though...we know they will. Sigh.
Funny - well kind of - tidbit - she bit me today! Three times. Yes, it took me that many times to figure it out. Let's hope this is not a habbit - or else there will be a lot of changes to this rascals' diet real fast!! Bottles and solids - no more boobies. Insert another sigh.

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