Monday, May 25, 2009

Another Well-Baby Visit

Chloe had her 6-Month check-up last Thursday (it was scheduled a little late at 6 1/2 months) and everything went great. The doctor, as expected, was surprised at her skills. She said that she was performing at the 9-Month level!! Crawling, standing, exploring and all that jazz. She is still in the 25th percentile for both weight (15lbs 4oz) and height (25 1/2 in) and the 50th percentile for her head circumference - thats the large brain that she is encasing!! She gave us a few tips on the feeding and they have all worked because Chloe is eating like a champ now. Finally! We switched from rice (yuk) to oatmeal (yum) cereal, both with baby food mix-ins for added flavor. She also can have other things - like snacks! That has been pretty exciting. So far she has tried bananas, oranges, cantelope, sweet potatoe puffs, strawberry yogurt bites, cheese puffs and today we got her some vanilla flavored teething biscuits...that was a messy, funny lil cookie. She really liked those I think primarily because she can hold it...and as we know, she thrives on being in charge! She is the boss afterall. Here is a video of her standing up. That's alllllllll she wants to do now!! It is so funny how once they learn something new....the don't care for the other skills as much. The same thing happened with rolling over, creeping, standing. Walking is next, right?? OMG!

We had a very nice Memorial weekend. We spent Saturday with Connie and Ed and went to a local Vienna Fest. It was really nice what they had set up. Chloe slept thru it as she does whenever we take her anyplace new and somewhat exciting. Take her to a restaurant or a mall, where you want her to sleep...nope. Sunday we ran around and today a little bit more. We picked up our professional pictures - they turned out really nice. Yay!

Next weekend we are gearing up for another out of town weekend. To Uniontown, PA (FredPa's hometown) for a cousin's wedding shower. This should be fun. Chloe will finally get to meet another slew of family. And the twins! And we get to see cousin Claire again! And of course the rest of the clan. We are very excited!!

Other than that not much else. More baby proofing of the condo, a few new toys (and clothes) for baby and more of the usual day to day stuff. Still working on's coming, same days easier than others. She is sleeping a bit better thru the night now - thank heavens. She is talking more and more. And, its still as sweet as the first sound. Contrary to the usual, we think MaMa may come before DaDa. She is definitely a Mommy's girl for now. Brad swears he hears her say (or cry/scream MaMa) when I am not in sight and she wants me. Precious.

We cannot believe our little cutie pie is over 2 feet tall, has two teeth, is on the verge of walking, and of course still manages to capture of hearts and fill our house with smiles and laughter each day. What a blessing!

And finally - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!! (May 26th)
Hugs and kisses from your girls! We love you!!!

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