Monday, May 25, 2009

Another Well-Baby Visit

Chloe had her 6-Month check-up last Thursday (it was scheduled a little late at 6 1/2 months) and everything went great. The doctor, as expected, was surprised at her skills. She said that she was performing at the 9-Month level!! Crawling, standing, exploring and all that jazz. She is still in the 25th percentile for both weight (15lbs 4oz) and height (25 1/2 in) and the 50th percentile for her head circumference - thats the large brain that she is encasing!! She gave us a few tips on the feeding and they have all worked because Chloe is eating like a champ now. Finally! We switched from rice (yuk) to oatmeal (yum) cereal, both with baby food mix-ins for added flavor. She also can have other things - like snacks! That has been pretty exciting. So far she has tried bananas, oranges, cantelope, sweet potatoe puffs, strawberry yogurt bites, cheese puffs and today we got her some vanilla flavored teething biscuits...that was a messy, funny lil cookie. She really liked those I think primarily because she can hold it...and as we know, she thrives on being in charge! She is the boss afterall. Here is a video of her standing up. That's alllllllll she wants to do now!! It is so funny how once they learn something new....the don't care for the other skills as much. The same thing happened with rolling over, creeping, standing. Walking is next, right?? OMG!

We had a very nice Memorial weekend. We spent Saturday with Connie and Ed and went to a local Vienna Fest. It was really nice what they had set up. Chloe slept thru it as she does whenever we take her anyplace new and somewhat exciting. Take her to a restaurant or a mall, where you want her to sleep...nope. Sunday we ran around and today a little bit more. We picked up our professional pictures - they turned out really nice. Yay!

Next weekend we are gearing up for another out of town weekend. To Uniontown, PA (FredPa's hometown) for a cousin's wedding shower. This should be fun. Chloe will finally get to meet another slew of family. And the twins! And we get to see cousin Claire again! And of course the rest of the clan. We are very excited!!

Other than that not much else. More baby proofing of the condo, a few new toys (and clothes) for baby and more of the usual day to day stuff. Still working on's coming, same days easier than others. She is sleeping a bit better thru the night now - thank heavens. She is talking more and more. And, its still as sweet as the first sound. Contrary to the usual, we think MaMa may come before DaDa. She is definitely a Mommy's girl for now. Brad swears he hears her say (or cry/scream MaMa) when I am not in sight and she wants me. Precious.

We cannot believe our little cutie pie is over 2 feet tall, has two teeth, is on the verge of walking, and of course still manages to capture of hearts and fill our house with smiles and laughter each day. What a blessing!

And finally - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!! (May 26th)
Hugs and kisses from your girls! We love you!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Picture Time!

I know I take a lot of pictures myself, but Brad and I wanted to see what the professionals could do. So, off the lil supermodel went to her first studio session. She was really, really good for the whole thing. They were running a bit behind, which got on my nerves seeing as a 6 1/2 month baby (not to mention her parents) has only so much patience. The only real difficult thing doing picutres at this stage in the game is that Chloe did not want to sit still! She can roll over, crawl and stand up, getting the poses were a tad hard. But,...we got some great ones I think! Nearly 3 hours later - we were done with the shoot and the ordering and all that. Geesh! Check out the slideshow for more pics...what an angel!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Early Riser!!

Well, she did it. She can now pull herself up to a standing position!!! Chloe went to bed fairly early last night only to wake to the thunderstorm half hour later. She wasn't, Brad and I left her for a little while thinking she may put herself back to sleep. After another almost half hour of this....Brad decided to go check on her. She was in the corner of her crib, grinning, trying to pull herself up. It is so cute! She gets to her belly, then to her knees, and then pull - she is up! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! This baby is going to have me run ragged in no time.

All this forced Brad and I (mostly Brad) to reconstruct Chloe's crib at 10pm last night, dropping it to a lower position. And, one would think since we went to bed nearly 3 hours past our usual bedtime that we would sleep in late, right? Nope. Who was I kidding? She was up three times last night and the earliest time to date this morning. Yay me! I just pray for a good nap today.

Not much else going on...just Chloe growing way too fast, her attention span decreasing by the second matched by her mischievousness increasing by the second and her just getting cuter and cuter!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mommy Day!!

My first Mothers Day! Every day with Chloe is special, but, this Sunday was the greatest of all - so far! Brad and Chloe pampered Mommy with lunch, a hair cut and color (which was much needed!) and a new VB bag! I don't know which part was the best? All of it! I wish it was every weekend. Enough about me.........on to the little one!

Chloe is almost sitting up. Check her out at lunch in a big girl high chair!! I have posted a video of her trying to sit up and crawling a bit. It is so hard to capture these things on photos/videos because she moves so fast, and you have to be fully prepared at all times (which I am not). She is so cute. She also seems like she wants to stand. One skill at a time baby girl!

As previously reported...she has two teeth. Only difference is I finally got proof for you! She does not like to show off her teefies at all....but, I did it (click on pic to enlarge)! So cute. No more have come in - yet. But I am sure they are just around the corner.
Other than all that, not too much else. She is still eating...albeit not too much. She has not been sleeping thru the night for a few weeks now. I really don't know why or what else to do. She wakes up just famished it seems. I am just going with it for now. I usually get a short nap each day out of her. She doesn't seem to like to sleep as much as she used to (sigh). She is a growing baby and this is all part of the territory I supppose!
We take her to the doctor on May 21st. She will be 6 1/2 months at that time - I wonder what our new 'instructions' will be and how much she weighs?

I know its a little late, but -


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Chloe is Six Months Old!

Oh my! It's so hard to believe that our lil baby girl is six months old! Where did the time go?

Chloe is growing so much, so fast. She now has two teeth!! One came in on Saturday, and one came in the next day on Sunday. I nearly fell over when Brad said he thinks there are two and not one. Now we suspect that more are coming again. Fasten your seatbelts boys and girls - or Mommy and Daddy!

She eats cereal (although she is not terribly interested in it yet) twice a day. We just started that this week. I feed her at mid-day and Brad feeds her in the evening. Works out quite well. She eats much better for him than for me. This could be due to a number of factors - a. its a different time of day b. its a different person or c. she knows I have the milk! - her food of choice. Its probably all of the above.
Chloe is still moving around everywhere. Today she nearly sat up by herself!! She also crawled a few steps for the first time today! She has gotten up on all fours before and has taken one movement or so, and rocks back and forth, but today (for our Skype session with Nana Banana) she actually moved foward in a crawling position. It was great! Wounded soldier is still her go to for now. Hey - its works!

Chloe also makes lots of noise. She is really learning the depths of what kinds of sounds she can make - and how loud she can be too. Loud. Whoa! Loud. She blows spit rasberries, and enjoys them very much.

She is just a wonderful little munchkin and we are so fortunate that we have a happy (for the most part!) and healthy baby in our lives. Cheers to the next six months! And lets hope they don't fly by us like the first! Even though...we know they will. Sigh.
Funny - well kind of - tidbit - she bit me today! Three times. Yes, it took me that many times to figure it out. Let's hope this is not a habbit - or else there will be a lot of changes to this rascals' diet real fast!! Bottles and solids - no more boobies. Insert another sigh.