Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Chloe celebrated her second Christmas this year. We had her Nana in town, which was wonderful. We stayed home in the morning and had breakfast, opened presents and stockings, played and napped and then headed over to Aunt Connie and Uncle Ed's for dinner. It was really great!

The Kells have just arrived today to have a late celebration of Christmas. So, now we are surrounded by family and it's great. Auntie Andie and cousin Claire made the visit along with Grandma Crystal and Fredpa so this should be a fun couple of days with the two baby girls. YAY!

Hope everyone has had a great holiday season so far! Up next - New Years and a new year....already!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Chloe is 13 Months!

Not too much to report as I have been heavily blogging it seems lately. But,....our baby is now well over the 1-year (as in 12 months) mark!! She is 13 months today!! Woweee!!

We also want to make a special shout out to our lil baby Claire. She got her casts off today and is doing well. Great even!! She goes for some check ups over the next few months, but no more surgery til next year May. We love you Claire and can't wait to see you in the flesh at Christmas and give you a big hug and kiss!!!

We put up the Christmas tree tonight and the few house decorations we have. Brad played some oldie but goodie Christmas music and we made an hour or so of it. Chloe was quite excited with all the ornaments. For every one I put ON the tree....she took two or three OFF the tree. So, yeah...that took a while. That's okay. I know this is her second Christmas, but it's her first one that she is more aware of. Last Christmas she was only 7 weeks old! Time flies. Should be a fun one!!


Daddy's Holiday Party!!

Chloe went to her first Holiday Party this past Saturday!! She was the only little one there....and she was the star of the show! The Belle of the Ball!! And a ball she did have. She provided many laughs and tons of entertainment for all to see. She was on the move the entire evening. She danced and danced, when no one else would....Chloe was on the dance floor. It was funny! And so cute! When the disco lights came on....oh my,...she was amazed and chasing the lights! At one point (and I didn't manage to capture it on the camera - bummer) she ran/danced across the floor, fell to her knees and started pumping up and down like she was really rockin out! The crowd surrounding her was roaring with laughter. We really want to thank Senate FCU for the spectacular evening, great food and wonderful time we had. We would not have been able to go had they not allowed our lil princess to tag along for the night. And Chloe - thank you for being such a trooper - so sociable, so friendly, so funny and so cooperative!! We love you very much Boo Boo.

Here is a video of her's a little dark so I hope you can make it out. Just her covering the dance floor!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanks for the Gifts!

This week Chloe got two special gifts!! The first was from our neighbor upstairs of whom we have been visiting with a few times recently for some Mommy-Baby play nights. She has twins, a boy and a girl who are 3 1/2 years old. Because she only had one....and it's very pink....she let Chloe have it. And Oh My does she just love it!!! As soon as she wakes up every day (yesterday and today) she goes and gets right on the bike/car toy. It's really funny. She plays on it all day like nothing else exists! Check out a picture of her on Thursday morning when she woke up, walked out into the living room and found it there (left)!! And the the other (right) is again later that day...still happy as can be! You would think Christmas had already come! So sweet.

We also got a very special gift from Aunt Jean. These are more special to us right now.....but, they are just the most precious things I have ever laid eyes on. Jean took her little newborn pink cordroy shoes that she wore so often and had them bronzed. You don't see that much any more, but you should. Thanks again so, so much Jean! We will treasure them forever.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Chloe celebrated her second Thanksgiving, a first of sorts - her first holiday to celebrate for the second time! So exciting. Brad's parents, brother and girlfriend came into town to share the holiday with us and our Aunt Connie and Uncle Ed. We had a really great time eating turkey, playing, hanging out together and even did some shopping on Black Friday.
Today when I was uploading some pictures, I accidentally clicked on 11-29-2008 instead of 11-29-2009.........what a difference a click makes!!! It was Thanksgiving from last year!! Our baby has grown and changed so much.

On other news.....ALL four of Chloe's molars have now made their debut!! One is really in, and the other three have just broken the skin. She said she wants steak for dinner tomorrow night! Ha ha ha! I wish. She still eats like a little birdie with some good days mixed in there. Oh well. You win some you lose some. All in all, we have a very healthy and happy lil baby girl.

In conclusion....that is what we are most thankful for this year. Our wonderful, precious, funny, smart, lovable cutie pie - CHLOE ALEXIS ROSE KELL. Our lives have been fovever changed with your arrival and we couldn't be happier. We are also thankful for all of our family, friends and loved ones near and far. HAPPY onto CHRISTMAS!! Oh my!

P.S. I am having technical difficulties with my slideshow.....bummmmmmmer!! I will keep trying and hope to have more pics up soon.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Molar Time!!

Chloe is getting all four of her molars!! What a load of fun, let me tell you. This poor baby girl, every time she gets a tooth....she gets like 4 or 5!! When we went to Bermuda this summer, she left with only her two bottom teeth, on our way back...she had 7!! Now, all four molars are coming in at once. One is just about thru, the others are really puffy and just about joining the rest. She is a trooper though, that's for sure. She has had that dang runny nose again since last week and ran a temperature (for the first time!!) this Friday night. But, she is back on the up and up again, playing and acting more like her old self. Sleeping is still a bit of an issue with the nose and all the pain...but last night was better than the previous 2 or 3, so that's good!

We had a pretty relaxing weekend which was nice and needed. Aunt Connie came and had a visit with us on Friday evening, ran around just a little on Saturday and today Daddy went to watch the Steelers [lose] and Chloe and I chilled at home and went for a walk because it was such a nice day. I took some pics of her today and I thought she was posing like a supermodel!! For once, getting a shot of her face has become an increasingly difficult challenge given her speed and curiousity!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Chloe's Twelve Month Check Up Results

We took Chloe to her 12 month well-baby visit this morning. Everything went great. There was a little wait, due to all the sickies I think! But, that's okay. Doctor was happy with Chloe and her growth and development and everything. She is still a little peanut! She weighed in at 18lbs 120z (15th percentile) and 29in (50th percentile). We were sure she had broke the 20lb mark, but....nope. So cute!

Our visit with my Mom was great and now it's all over....till next time at least. We miss her so much already. We really had a great time celebrating Chloe's first birthday, eating, shopping and just hanging out. And, laughing of course!! Chloe was obsessssssed with my Mom's purse and all the items inside of it. She would lift up the purse and drag it all over the place and this is no light purse! Determination I tell you...and brut strength!! And check out the new slippers Nana got Chloe - she loves them. She would bring them to her every night so that she could put them on her. She is so funny. Such a huge personality for such a little person! Chloe also got her toe toes painted for the first time........I am not sure what to think about it yet.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chloe is ONE Years Old!!!!

Chloe turned ONE on Saturday November 7th!! How amazing! She had a really great day spending time with her grandparents, aunts, uncles, great grandparents, friends and us! Chloe received many presents.....toooo many.....and we thank everyone for everything. We had pizza and cake and ice cream - very simple. Having family in town made her day truly special and it would not have been the same without you. Chloe really just had fun running around and being the star of the day!

Along with it being a day of celebration for Chloe, it was also a day of accomplishment, pride and joy for Brad and I. We made it!!! Thinking back to a year ago was pretty nostalgic. Remembering all the little things....what we were doing, thinking and feeling at certain times leading up to her arrival. We have fond memories of our lives before Chloe.......but, all of that pails in comparison to the happiness she has brought into our lives. Although we knew life would never be the same, who could imagine it could be this great?

We love you all and appreciate and thank you so very much for all of your help, support, care, concern and love that you have shown us three over the past year. When you think of the best things in your will realize they are not things at all.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!!!

Ahh....Chloe's first Halloween!! So exciting! I got to dress her up in her Strawberry Fairy costume twice. And, she pretty much hated it both times. Not fun. Tonight our condo hosted a little Halloween party in the building. It was really great to meet other kids and parents in the building. We met at 6pm and all went trick or treating thru the building......17 floors.....together. It was exhausting!! We then met up again and they provided refreshments, cookies, games and a costume contest. Chloe loved walking up and down the aisles, running away from me and the crowd most of the time and just being with all the other children (about 30). Chloe is also a thief! She stole other kids jiuce boxes, cookies, candy and other odds and ends. This is nothing new as she often takes other kids' binkys, bottles and blankets from there whereever and whenever she can. It's harmless, I think...? At the party, she also walked away with Runner Up Prize for Cutest Costume!! Yay!!

All in all, as Brad said...her first Halloween was a success. She is sleeping now....and hopefully she pooped herself out so much she sleeps thru the whole night - now wouldn't that be a real TREAT!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

She Climbs, She Dances!

Chloe is a modern day monkey these days!!! She is climbing everywhere! If her knee can reach...she is up! She started on our ottoman/chair, and boy was she proud. Then she ventured onto the couch from the chair. Then, one day, I turned around,...and she was on my desk!! She manages all this in steps and stages...just climbing from one piece of furniture to the next level of furniture. It's all very exciting, and a bit scary at the same time. Brad claims I am going to have a heart attack....he might be right! She is pretty fearless. She is just now learning to get down. Sometimes she just whines with her hands up for help. But, I decided to teach her how to get soon as she started climbing. Sometimes she turns on her belly and slides down, but, sometimes....she just rolls off. And that's never fun - for either of us!

She still likes to dance. Except now she doesn't do her little bounce as much as she likes to twirl and spin in circles. Its very cute and charming, just like her! And, she dances on the tables. I hope this is not an insight to her future career!! I always say she is destined for the stage......

Other than that not too much has been happening in the Kell household. We have been taking it easy lately. We are excited and gearing up physically and emotionally for our baby's first birthday now. We are just going to have a small gathering of mostly family and we are very much looking foward to the celebration.

I did take her to get some pictures of her in her Halloween costume this week. That was not fun, not fun at all. She would not sit or stand still for a nano second. We barely got any pictures. It was quite frustrating actually. She kept running out of the studio room, out of the lobby and into the clothing department.....all the while me chasing her each time. She did fall and bump her head during one of the chases, as you will see she has a nice red mark on her forehead. Geesh. We were both sweaty and irritated by the end and I felt like I had done about a hundred squats and ran a freakin' marathon the next day. Luckily we did manage to get a few good pics.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the fall weather. And the trees changing for those of you that are in areas where that happens - it's really beautiful. Check out all the new pictures of Chloe if you can.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Halloween Costume Decided!

I want to thank you all for voting for Chloe's first Halloween costume. It was exciting to see what everyone thought. Which ones you liked and really didn't like. Some got no votes. But, there were 2 front runners - the Bunny and the Fairy each with 8 votes. We went with the Fairy!

I did this for two reasons. After reviewing the bunny costume, I realized that Chloe was never gong to keep that hat on her head. She won't even wear a headband these days!! And, it looks a little bit hot. Secondly...Brad and I secretly loved the fairy idea. Then, I found one that is a STRAWBERRY FAIRY!! And it is just darling! The word 'strawberry' is the first word that Chloe ever laughed out loud at so it had some sentimental value to us as well. Here is the costume and it's on its way here. I can't wait to dress her up in and take a pic of her in it!!! So exciting!

Chloe is Eleven Months!!

Oh wow! Eleven months...really? And one day...I am late again!!

Chloe isn't doing too much new these days. Just growing, learning and discovering new things every day...every hour. She is so precious and I cannot believe we are nearing her first birthday already.

We are finished with our visit to Grandpa Allan and now we wait for Nana Alana to come in from Bermuda and Grandma Crystal and FredPa to come in from Ohio to help us celebrate her first birthday. We will just be doing something small and somewhat quiet locally. Well, the quiet depends on if little Miss Claire is able to come. Claire is scheduled for surgery on November 2nd, so her and Auntie Andie may have to postpone their visit to Virginia...but, who knows they may make it. All that is important is the health and recovery of our neice, Claire. Chloe will understand!

Hope everyone had a great summer!! Now we get ready for the winter!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chloe Gives Kisses!!!

Finally! Chloe gives real kisses!! We have been trying and trying and trying to teach her's just an ongoing casual thing I/we do all the time. My Mom does it to with her when we skype. I noticed on our skype session yesterday with Nana that Chloe was actually lunging toward the screen and giving her kisses. But...tonight....she really did it!! I was about to put her to bed and told her (as I do every night) to give her Daddy kisses....well....she went to him and gave him a real kiss. There have been some flukes over the past several months....but, this was real. And oh so cute!! Who would think a simple kiss could melt your heart? Brad deserved it as Chloe has been very much a Mommy's lil baby for days now, wanting nothing to do with Daddy. You win some, you lose some. I still can't get a kiss!!!!!

Check out the short video. It's a little bit dark....but you can see the kisses!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Costa Rica Vacation!!

Chloe took her second international vacation! We went for a week long vacation to visit my Dad in Costa Rica. My sister Sam and her boyfriend Aaron were also there. We had a wonderful time. Ready for our next visit already. This reality thing stinks!!! We did a lot of much needed relaxing. My Uncle Jr was kind enough to let us stay in his condos near Tamarindo for most of the week we were there. They are gorgeous! We had the pool only a few steps from our door and the beach was just a short walk across the street and down the hill. It was very secluded and isolated - we were completely out of touch with civilization (no phones, no computers, no internet), one restaurant, one mini mart, one bar and the closest gas station was an hour least we only had to go once! We did quite a bit of driving/sightseeing in our rented van (poor van took some serious beatings on our travels), a lot of grilling out and eating, a lot of swimming, played some games and really just hung around the house spending some quality time with the family. It was great!

Chloe did really well on the flights down and back. She was a bit antsy which was to be expected...this child sits still for nothing and no one!!! They were both really long days - up early, traveling all day and to bed late. There she was pretty good too. Of course everyone loved her and she got a lot of attention....she is probably wondering where everyone went! She did have a few falls....bumped her forehead, fell out of the bed and busted her lip!!! Gotta love tiled floors! She recovered at lightening speed, she is a real trooper. Mostly she just played, ate, slept and ran with the flow of things - her usual.

None of us got too burnt thank goodness. It was scortching hot there most days. For the rainy season it was awfully dry! We didn't mind too much as it allowed us to play outside more. We didn't see too many animals, but that's okay. We saw mucho cows!! If I never see a cow again, I will be alright! Lots of open fields with cows and horses, we even saw a donkey. And an iguana. No monkeys though. Next time!

Check out all the pics if you get a chance. Mostly Chloe and scenery. The country is truly beautiful and amazing....just like our baby!!
Thanks Dad, Adrianna, Kinky, Samantha and Aaron for making great memories with us!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chloe is Ten Months a few days!!

Yes, I am a bit late with this posting. But, oh my....our baby is 10 months old!!! It's hard to believe that we have had her for 42 weeks now!! I get weekly newsletters - I am not nuts counting the weeks! Seriously...where did the time go!?

Chloe isn't doing too much new these days. And, let's face it...what's left for her to conquer at this stage!? She is pretty much hitting all her 'milestones' and then some. She is truly amazing. So smart, funny and pretty - you are not supposed to have them all! She manages though. We are so lucky to have her in our lives. We can't imagine our lives without her.

We are not so lucky at night. And some days too. This baby girl does not fancy the sleeping portion of being a baby. We are so tired, and she is so wired!!! Not sure why this is a problem, but it is. It was lots better for a while...and then just all of a sudden she starting resisting naps and will not stay asleep at night for any period of time. If anyone has any advice -- we are all ears! Except the 'cry it out method' as we learned we just can't bear that one. We still have hope each day that it will get better. Maybe she is plotting what skills she will acquire next, or more teeth are on the horizon. Who knows??
Check out Chloe dancing (she loves to dance, clap and laugh along with the tele!!) - Yo Gabba Gabba!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Day at the Park!

It was such a beautiful day here today. And Daddy is suffering big time with allergies. Boo hoo. So, Aunt Connie and Uncle Ed were kind enough to come by and scoop us up and take Chloe to a park to enjoy the weather. We went to a local park near thier home in Vienna. We had a wonderful time. The first time we checked our clocks, we had been there for over an hour and a half and it felt like ten minutes. Chloe was loving it.

Usually a bit afraid of just plain ol' grass, I was somewhat skeptical about how it was going to be. But, not today! She walked in the grass, on the pebbles, in the bark and most of all - in the dirt! She would make 'dirt angels' with her legs, but...oh, how she didn't want to touch it with her all. Such a girlie girl! But, not really. She got to swing on a baby swing (which I have been wanting to do for so long), she played with a princess bouncy ball and she rode some cars, bikes and tractor trailers! She also made a lil boyfriend, as she does wherever she goes (yes...I know, we are in for it!) - such a little flirt this baby girl!!! And, she stole two pairs of crocs and tasted those - one in pink, one in purple...not sure which she liked best. Disgusting, huh? All in all, we had a wonderful day. Thanks Connie and Ed!

Check out the two videos from today. One of her on the swing...and clapping (she loves to clap!). And the other is of her walking. She walks so good its amazing. She is not even 10 months yet!!

Chloe also managed to climb up onto the couch yesterday. Boobs...that was her motivation!! She did it four times. The first two were hunger climbs, then she was just plain proud and having fun. She did use my shirt to pull up a little, but the real thing isn't too far behind I am sure. She approaches lots of things now with her knee up in the air attempting to climb. Greeeat!

Not too much else going on. Looking foward to a long weekend. One day already gone...two more to go! Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!!