Friday, November 13, 2009

Chloe's Twelve Month Check Up Results

We took Chloe to her 12 month well-baby visit this morning. Everything went great. There was a little wait, due to all the sickies I think! But, that's okay. Doctor was happy with Chloe and her growth and development and everything. She is still a little peanut! She weighed in at 18lbs 120z (15th percentile) and 29in (50th percentile). We were sure she had broke the 20lb mark, but....nope. So cute!

Our visit with my Mom was great and now it's all over....till next time at least. We miss her so much already. We really had a great time celebrating Chloe's first birthday, eating, shopping and just hanging out. And, laughing of course!! Chloe was obsessssssed with my Mom's purse and all the items inside of it. She would lift up the purse and drag it all over the place and this is no light purse! Determination I tell you...and brut strength!! And check out the new slippers Nana got Chloe - she loves them. She would bring them to her every night so that she could put them on her. She is so funny. Such a huge personality for such a little person! Chloe also got her toe toes painted for the first time........I am not sure what to think about it yet.

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