Saturday, October 24, 2009

She Climbs, She Dances!

Chloe is a modern day monkey these days!!! She is climbing everywhere! If her knee can reach...she is up! She started on our ottoman/chair, and boy was she proud. Then she ventured onto the couch from the chair. Then, one day, I turned around,...and she was on my desk!! She manages all this in steps and stages...just climbing from one piece of furniture to the next level of furniture. It's all very exciting, and a bit scary at the same time. Brad claims I am going to have a heart attack....he might be right! She is pretty fearless. She is just now learning to get down. Sometimes she just whines with her hands up for help. But, I decided to teach her how to get soon as she started climbing. Sometimes she turns on her belly and slides down, but, sometimes....she just rolls off. And that's never fun - for either of us!

She still likes to dance. Except now she doesn't do her little bounce as much as she likes to twirl and spin in circles. Its very cute and charming, just like her! And, she dances on the tables. I hope this is not an insight to her future career!! I always say she is destined for the stage......

Other than that not too much has been happening in the Kell household. We have been taking it easy lately. We are excited and gearing up physically and emotionally for our baby's first birthday now. We are just going to have a small gathering of mostly family and we are very much looking foward to the celebration.

I did take her to get some pictures of her in her Halloween costume this week. That was not fun, not fun at all. She would not sit or stand still for a nano second. We barely got any pictures. It was quite frustrating actually. She kept running out of the studio room, out of the lobby and into the clothing department.....all the while me chasing her each time. She did fall and bump her head during one of the chases, as you will see she has a nice red mark on her forehead. Geesh. We were both sweaty and irritated by the end and I felt like I had done about a hundred squats and ran a freakin' marathon the next day. Luckily we did manage to get a few good pics.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the fall weather. And the trees changing for those of you that are in areas where that happens - it's really beautiful. Check out all the new pictures of Chloe if you can.

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