Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011 Catch Up

So ... I have been serioulsy lacking in the blogging department lately, and I apologize. We have been busy traveling, having family in town and just everyday things. We hope everyone had a merry Christmas and a great new year so far!!

We had a wonderful Christmas in Bermuda with Nana and other family and friends. We went for nearly two weeks and lucky for us, the snowy US weather turned Brad's 5 days into 8 days!! Yay!! Chloe of course had a very plentiful Christmas - full of love, laughter and presents!!!
The new year has been off to a pretty good start already. Time is just flying - it is already February people?!? Chloe is back in her art class and really enjoying that and the other kids in it. She has a few friends in the building that we visit and play with nearly every week and she loves that. She is a little social butterfly!!

She is talking much more, we are truly amazed each day at how her vocabulary is expanding. She knows how to count to 10 and we are working on the ABCs (she pretty much knows "abc"). She knows just about every shape and color out there. Chloe is still the little monkey she always was....but oh boy can that girl jump! She loves to run, and fall down and jump...it is hard to keep her still. Unless of course you have something of interest on the telly - despite all my efforts she still somehow managed to fall in love (make that obsessed) with Dora and more favorably Diego (flirt!!) and Strawberry Cake movies (...I know its Short Cake...but, to Chloe she is Strawberry Cake). Chloe is eating pretty good, but that child loves her sweets and junk - namely chocolate and popsicles. At least she still eats chicken, bananas, apples, carrots, corn, rice, beans , soups and other healthy foods.
I wish there were more to say....and there might have been had a blogged more. But, when your children get older, you just seem to have less time to type as you need more time to play. They don't nap as much (or at all like Chloe) so you lose that precious (oh...how I miss you so much) time. Life just starts moving at a speed I am not sure I am completely comfortable with yet. I want time to pass so that we get to see her grow and mature and change and evolve from a tiny itsy bitsy baby to a newborn to a baby to this energetic toddler....but seriously....at the same time, I don't want another minute to pass. So, with that....blogging off is the Kell family. Now time to go play dolls, or playdough or puzzles!

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