Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chloe is 17 Months Old!!

We are nearing the 1 1/2 mark and I am not sure how to feel about this! But, for now, our baby is 17 months old!!

She is really finding her little voice these days. She has a list of words she can say - some over and over, some are on a one time basis. But, it is still very exciting. And a bit strange to think that in a few short months, she may be talking [back] to us! She is growing and getting smarter and smarter with each passing day. Learning new skills, making stronger associations, and pushing every and any boundary just as far as she can. For the most part, she is still a very healthy and happy little girl. Of course the temper tantrums are starting to happen from time to time at this point. We just handle each one as she presents them to us and move on from it....they are not that big in the larger scheme of things. Sometimes you just laugh because they are so ridiculous!

Her favorite things to do are draw and color. Some days she walks around with her notepad and pen ALL day. It is quite funny. She also still loves stickers...and those go anywhere - paper, on top of each other, her face, feet, arms, legs (and ours too!), on furniture and the list goes on. We are trying more reading recently. She loves books, but does not have the attention to sit and listen to the story, but we are working on it. And she loves all the other things little girls love - dolls, strollers, megablocks, stuffed animals, cartoons, dancing, laughing and making us laugh.

Summer is almost here and we are (well, mostly me) trying to spring clean, change over winter to summer clothes, get ready for my first baby consignment sale alongside the usual work, house and baby duties. We can't wait to get her in the pool this summer...should be a fun time!!

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