Monday, June 29, 2009

Vacation in Bermuda!!

Where to begin.....

We got up bright and early last Saturday morning and headed to the airport for our week long vacation in my home island of Bermuda. Chloe went on her first airplane ride!!! And, she was so, so good. People commented on how well behaved such a little baby was during the flight, and she didn't even sleep a wink!

The vacation was wonderful! My Mom put us up in a little guesthouse just outside the capital, Hamilton, so the location and the accomadations were great. The place was cool, quiet, clean and cozy. The weather on the other hand was completely crappy nearly the entire time. What a bummer! It rained every day except the first day we were there and the Friday before we left. This left us with a lot of nothing to do unfortunately. We got to see a lot of family and friends, and that's what's important. We didn't get to the beach and/or pool too much like planned.

We did manage to go out to dinner a few times, run around town in the rain and pick up a few souvenirs, go to the aquarium and zoo (in the rain), go to Dockyard twice and a lot of just hanging out with the fam.

On that one sunny Friday....we took Chloe in the ocean!!! Thank heavens...I would have cried if we went all the way to Bermuda and never got her in the ocean. And, she LOVED it!!! After we left Snorkel Park we went back to our guesthouse and I took her in the pool again. And she loved that too. So, that one day here must have been bad timing and mood. Yay!

Chloe also has 3 more teeth coming in!!!!!!! What a nice vacation...poor baby! She didn't sleep so well the entire time we were there and we quickly figured out why. Her top two front teeth are cutting, and one of them has completely broken the skin (so cute), and one on the bottom, a neighbor to her two teeth, is also coming in. Naps were rare as she was so severly distracted she didn't want to really eat or sleep. It was also very hot and humid, despite all the rain, and she is like her Mama and needs cool air to rest! Her Papa on the other hand dozed off on the floor every single time we were at my Moms - exhausted from the heat. Funny! So, she left with two teeth and is coming back with five!!!! Unbelievable.

She isn't doing too much else new at the moment. She has started to stand on her own for a few seconds at a time and that's very exciting to witness. Oh - she did climb all the stairs at my Moms - who knew? She just went there and did it....not a second thought about it. Our baby is growing so much!! She has been very hungry and sleepy today....making up for lost time I suppose. We are all recuperating!
We want to express our sincerest appreciation and thanks to those at home who helped make our visit know who you are!

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