Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chloe's a Big Girl!

The highchair came out of storage today! How exciting!! And we had zero intentions of setting it up just yet - we just bought it upstairs because we were in the storage organizing and it was taking up valuable space and we figured, 'what the heck, we will be using it in a month, bring it up!'. Oh gosh - I am in the kitchen cooking (and Brad has already set it up because he absolutely loves putting things together) and he puts Chloe in it, for a laugh presumably, and she just loves it!! She was all smiles.

So exciting, and so sad. Our little girl just keeps getting bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger, smarter and smarter, and if possible, more beautiful each and every day. It's not really sad....just crazy how time is flying. She will be crawling in no time! Watch out world!!

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