Tuesday, February 24, 2009

She Shakes, Rattles and Rolls!!

Chloe is becoming quite active these days. She has learned to completely roll over now! Although, she only rolls one way - to the left. But, thats okay! Changing her diapers has become increasingly difficult as she attempts to roll, slightly uphill mind you, while you are trying desperately to get a fresh diaper on her bum. Fun stuff!

She also grabs toys and rattles that you give her or her musical on her bouncer. And everything, and I mean everything, is headed to one place these days....her mouth!! From the boobs of course, to the paci, to the rattle, to any blanket, to her clothes...and even the polka dots off her clothes!! Its sweet.

She is still very chatty, but does have quieter days too. Today was not one of those days...she was not quiet for a minute unless she was asleep. She has started to almost howl, thats the only way I can describe it. I think she is building a repertoire of sounds, experimenting if you will.

Not much else is going on. She is three and half months old and we are wondering where the time went. I have taken over 1200 pictures, filled one scrapbook, two small photo albums and am in need of a new bookshelf for all her books (lets not discuss the clothes!!). We still get our baths every evening, take walks when the weather permits and run errands on the weekend with Daddy. Bring on spring time!

The adjustment to parenthood simply continues everyday as we observe and enjoy our ever changing and growing daughter do just that - change and grow. She learns new things everyday, and so do we! It truly is a beautiful thing.

Oh - and cousin Claire should be making her debut anyday now! Auntie Andie and Crazy Uncle Mitch are in their last week of pregnancy. Whoo-hoo!!

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