Monday, November 24, 2008

First Two Weeks at Home

The Two-Week-Chloe-Trial-Period is officially now over - she can't be returned! Not that we would ever dream of doing such a thing...

We have been home for two weeks tonight. It has been a pretty exciting time for all of us. We had Brad's family in for the first week, followed by a few days on our own and then my Mom arrived and will be staying for two weeks. Aunt Connie and Uncle Ed are also near and dear and have made frequent visits. Having the help has been terrific!

Brad has gone back to work and I am still on maternity leave. We continue on this journey, taking one day at a time adjusting to parenthood. Every day is different. We don't have much of a schedule, we just go with the flow...the baby's the new boss in town! I am Boss Lady, she is Boss Baby. She always wins! Brad is wondering what his title is...

Chloe is a pretty easy baby so far, or so I have been told. She sleeps for long stretches of time and feeds often when she is awake. She has just started to fuss a bit more these last few days, but nothing unmanageable. She has changed SO much in these last two weeks. Her little hands and feet have filled out, she no longer feels like she may break with every movement, her eyes are now open often inspecting the world around her and she is still as beautiful as ever.

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