Friday, August 7, 2009

Chloe is Nine Months Old!!!

Chloe had her Nine-Month Well-Baby visit today. It went pretty really great - no shots!! Just one prick! The doctor, as usual, was very happy with her growth - physically and developmentally. Chloe weighed in at 17lbs 4oz and 27in. She is still in the 25th percentile ("petite" as the doctor described her) for both her weight and height and 50th percentile for her head circumference. She thought Chloe looked a tad anemic (pale lips) so we had her tested. She needed a score of 11 to pass, and she got an 11.0 (thus the prick). She screamed as the nurse was coming for her with the lil pricker thing. Funny girl. She recovered rather quickly, thank goodness.

We also discussed her eating and sleeping habits. And, we got more tips on the food which was helpful. I can give her a whole bunch of things,...with confidence now! I was trying to amp up the food intake for her recently anyways but I am not always so lucky...she doesn't eat too much at all. And the dreaded sleeping issues we have been having were confronted....argh....she wants us to try to let her cry it out and all that jazz so that she learns to put herself to sleep. Its good, just going to be tough. She said 4-6 months, or 14-16 lbs, is when you can start this. So...we are there. Didn't really dive into it today or tonight....but, we will. Who wants to hear a baby cry? Not me.

Other than that not too much else going on. We have had some beautiful days here in VA recently. And of course our pool has been closed all week and will be for the next week too. Sigh. So, I ventured outside with the munchkin today, and a blanket, and an array of toys, snacks and water. was great. All 25 minutes of it. I was getting bit up...and it was really sunny. I didn't want her to get burnt or bitten. Oh well. Such is life.

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