Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chloe is Seven Months Old!

Seven on Seven. Chloe is seven months old today. Amazing!
Brad and I are trying to teach her how to wave and kiss....and we are getting very close! Its so exciting. Sometimes she waves both arms and recently just one - which seems more like an intentional wave. Tonight she finally gave me a kiss (three in a row actually). Mind you they are open mouth, sloppy kisses...but I loved each of them and can't wait for more!

She has been having a bit of a rough time lately. We think she is teething again. She is waking often thru the night, not too interested in food (again) and gets pretty cranky at times. This is all to be expected though, right?

We haven't had too many bumps lately as she is getting slightly more stable with her standing. She has finally learned to fall back on her bum as opposed to foward on her face. This is good, real good. She can also cruise a little bit along the coffee table and such. Sometimes she thinks that she can spin around and jump from one place to the other (the couch, chair and table). But, not so much, but at least she tries. She is so smart it's crazy. The other day she pulled two books down from the tv stand, stood on them and advanced her reach and discovery. Geesh!

Chloe is starting to make a lot more noises....we know she can't wait to her Mother!! It's pretty cute, and sometimes scary (the monster noises) all the sounds she can make. Brad swears she says things (that only he can hear) - like 'I want my mommy'!! Funny stuff.

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