Sunday, December 7, 2008

Chloe is One Month Old!!

It's hard to believe that lil Chloe is one month old today!!! We must be doing somthing right...we have all survived the first month!

Although more fussy than previous reports, she still makes it all pretty easy. She has started to take a real liking to crying for several hours at a time. But, I suppose thats just part of being a baby, right? Even if she cried 24-hours a day, she would still be perfect and precious in our eyes.

And, lets face it, this past month has been pretty crazy for a lil girl! She was exported from her Mommy's tummy, whereby she was quite comfy, without any warning or notice. She was met by a room full of strange doctors and nurses, who would be poking and proding her for the next 4 days. Shortly after that she is introduced to the two people who are due to take care of her for the rest of her life (who, by the way, have no idea what they are doing!). This is followed by meeting most of her immediate family and family friends, who come and go, each holding and loving her along the way. In the mix there is Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Then's all over. No more family visiting, no more holidays - just her Mommy, her Daddy and her. All thats enough to send anybody into a tailspin!

Next on the agenda is Christmas. Til then there will be numerous phone calls and video messaging with Gradma Crystal, Grandpa Fred, Nana Alana, GrandPapa Allan, Auntie Andie, Uncle Mitch, Uncle Joe and Auntie Sammy and some visits with the locals, Aunt Connie and Uncle Ed. And lots of pictures and blogging to keep everyone one updated!

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