Wednesday, November 5, 2008

38 Weeks And Counting...

Thirteen days and counting till our official due date...........

What a whirlwind this pregnancy has been, especially over the past week or so.

For the most part, this has been a pretty easy pregnancy. I have enjoyed every moment of it - every appointment, every flutter, every class, every kick, every non-stress test and every ultrasound exam. Not so much have I enjoyed the heartburn, the sleepless nights or this pain up my backside. But, those are small prices to pay compared to bringing a beautiful and healthy baby into this world. Which is what we plan on doing!

As many of you know, the only real complication we have had so far is finding out that Baby Kell has whats known as Single Umbilical Artery (or Two Vessel Cord) at our 19 week sonogram. That was a bit heart wrenching, but, all has turned out just fine so far. Because of this, I have been going in for Non-Stress Tests twice weekly for the past few weeks to monitor her heart rate and movement. And she has been doing fantastic, so no worries there!

The most recent dilema has been my amniotic fluid level. My fluid level has been dropping lower than they would like. The baby is full term now at 38 weeks, and because the fluids are pretty low, we may be induced sometime over the next week or so. Needless to say, I turned into a mad pregnant woman on Monday when I found out. Cleaning the house and wrapping up some work obligations in anticipation that I would have been induced on Tuesday, which was a possibility. So, we are playing the waiting game now and just following doctor's orders.

We are very anxious. Brad is ready for her to arrive, and I am willing to wait a bit longer. The thought of labor still scares me a little bit. He just wants to meet her and hold her...and so do I, but, I remind him about the diapers, feedings and lack of sleep...and he still instists she make her debut sooner rather than later.

Any bets on when she will arrive?

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