Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chloe is Ten Months a few days!!

Yes, I am a bit late with this posting. But, oh my....our baby is 10 months old!!! It's hard to believe that we have had her for 42 weeks now!! I get weekly newsletters - I am not nuts counting the weeks! Seriously...where did the time go!?

Chloe isn't doing too much new these days. And, let's face it...what's left for her to conquer at this stage!? She is pretty much hitting all her 'milestones' and then some. She is truly amazing. So smart, funny and pretty - you are not supposed to have them all! She manages though. We are so lucky to have her in our lives. We can't imagine our lives without her.

We are not so lucky at night. And some days too. This baby girl does not fancy the sleeping portion of being a baby. We are so tired, and she is so wired!!! Not sure why this is a problem, but it is. It was lots better for a while...and then just all of a sudden she starting resisting naps and will not stay asleep at night for any period of time. If anyone has any advice -- we are all ears! Except the 'cry it out method' as we learned we just can't bear that one. We still have hope each day that it will get better. Maybe she is plotting what skills she will acquire next, or more teeth are on the horizon. Who knows??
Check out Chloe dancing (she loves to dance, clap and laugh along with the tele!!) - Yo Gabba Gabba!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Day at the Park!

It was such a beautiful day here today. And Daddy is suffering big time with allergies. Boo hoo. So, Aunt Connie and Uncle Ed were kind enough to come by and scoop us up and take Chloe to a park to enjoy the weather. We went to a local park near thier home in Vienna. We had a wonderful time. The first time we checked our clocks, we had been there for over an hour and a half and it felt like ten minutes. Chloe was loving it.

Usually a bit afraid of just plain ol' grass, I was somewhat skeptical about how it was going to be. But, not today! She walked in the grass, on the pebbles, in the bark and most of all - in the dirt! She would make 'dirt angels' with her legs, but...oh, how she didn't want to touch it with her all. Such a girlie girl! But, not really. She got to swing on a baby swing (which I have been wanting to do for so long), she played with a princess bouncy ball and she rode some cars, bikes and tractor trailers! She also made a lil boyfriend, as she does wherever she goes (yes...I know, we are in for it!) - such a little flirt this baby girl!!! And, she stole two pairs of crocs and tasted those - one in pink, one in purple...not sure which she liked best. Disgusting, huh? All in all, we had a wonderful day. Thanks Connie and Ed!

Check out the two videos from today. One of her on the swing...and clapping (she loves to clap!). And the other is of her walking. She walks so good its amazing. She is not even 10 months yet!!

Chloe also managed to climb up onto the couch yesterday. Boobs...that was her motivation!! She did it four times. The first two were hunger climbs, then she was just plain proud and having fun. She did use my shirt to pull up a little, but the real thing isn't too far behind I am sure. She approaches lots of things now with her knee up in the air attempting to climb. Greeeat!

Not too much else going on. Looking foward to a long weekend. One day already gone...two more to go! Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!!