Sunday, January 25, 2009

Little Miss ChatterBox

Well, Chloe has certainly found her voice in recent days! She is just a little chatterbox. It's absolutely adorable! We love to hear her talk. And, it's much preferred over the screaming and crying. Although, she still does that a little bit too! But, she can carry a baby conversation like its nobody's business. Brad is in for a real treat between the two of us once she starts really talking - I do not suspect Brad will be able to get a word in edge wise!!

Here are some recent pics of the princess. I have put more on the slideshow too! (Yes, I am addicted to taking pictures....I just can't help myself!).

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sweet Smiles, Sweet Sounds

Just an ordinary week in the Kell Condo. No holidays, no milestones, no real noteworthy happenings. Except the ever-changing baby! Chloe is growing so fast, every day and every hour she does something new. Its all very exciting!
She has started really laying the smiles on us, and we are thrilled. All those cliches just keep coming true. Now that she smiles in response to something we do, usually a funny face or sound, all the "bad" stuff is so worth it. And, lets face it - really, there is no bad stuff. The worse that happens at this stage is some crying and some poop! Whoopdi-do!

She has also started making sounds. A sound other than a cry or a scream!! Oh, the joy. She makes the sweetest, most adorable little sounds. They dont happen all day...but when they do its just wonderful.

And the drooling! She has started to be a crazy drooler. You know that we both googled that one to make sure it wasn't teething already. Scary! We are not quite ready for that yet. Everything is starting to go into her mouth. Its so cute to see her figure out that she can get her hand, and I am sure feet soon enough, into her mouth. She is not into the toys so much. One thing (or body part) at a time I suppose.

Other than that, we are just working on a semi-schedule and stimulating her brain. I read to her every day. It usually puts her to sleep, but thats okay with me. At first I thought I was boring her, now I have decided that I soothe her. Big difference, right? We got her a little tummy time mat and try to put her on that everyday for a few minutes at least. She seems to really like it. And, we still get our baths in the evening and by the looks of it, she is going to be a real water rat. Just like her Mommy was! Watch out pool here we come! She goes to bed (IN HER CRIB!!) with ease now. We just mentioned what a difference a few short weeks makes. No more crying for 2 hours from midnight until 2am every nite. Last night she was asleep at 11pm. Now, thats progress!! Still eating like a champ which is good. So, all in all, I think she gets a A report card. Not an A+ because there is always room for improvement, no matter how perfect she is!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Chloe is Two Months Old!!

Chloe celebrated her 2 month birthday yesterday! Wowzers! We took her to the doctor today for her well-baby visit and the doctor was very happy with Chloe's growth. She weighed in at 10.8lbs (less than both her Daddy and Mommy guessed!) and 22.5 in. She is measuring in the 25th percentile for her weight and height and 10th percentile for her head circumference. The doctor was surprised by her neck and head strength and predicted (near guaranteed us) that Chloe would be on the move earlier than the usual guidelines. Yippy! I agree - I have been saying the very same thing for a few weeks now. She will be running circles around me in this little condo in no time! Did I forget to tell you - - she loves the camera now! Finally - she has evolved into a supermodel! She is all smiles!!

She has been a little fussy lately, really hungry and quite tired. After my inquiry with the doctor, she reassured us that she was indeed healthy and is probably going thru yet another growth spurt. I think she just gets bored! And all she really knows how to do is scream! We still get our baths at night, and that seems to help calm her for a bit. All in all, she is a happy, healthybaby and just as precious as ever. It just breaks our hearts when she cries like that.

And more crying she did today. She got her first round of shots. Oh my - what big needles you have! She got 2 shots in each leg and one oral shot. It was terrible. Horrible. But, a neccessary evil I suppose. She went to sleep for the 3 hours immediately following and I thought - well, this isn't so bad. Until she woke up! Three rounds of Baby Einstein Lullabies later.....she sleeps again! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Otherwise, the new year has been good. Brad and I are still adjusting to parenthood, I am back at work full time now, and we are learning (or trying) to just go with the flow of things (or of the baby). Life is pretty great. We hope everyones first week of the new year has been great too!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

And a happy new year it is! If how and with whom you bring the new year in is any indication of the year to come, well, thats okay with us. Brad, Chloe and I brought in the new year simply, lovingly and most importantly - together. As predicted, there was no extravagance to our evening....although, we did pop some bubbly in celebration!
We are happy, healthy and have much to be grateful for and look foward to in this year 2009 as well as many, many years to come. We hope that all of you that we love and care about have the same joy and prosperity this year!