Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another Road Trip to Ohio!

Chloe went on yet another road trip this past weekend to Ohio for cousin Claire's baptism. We had a great time, as usual. We got to meet some of Claire's other baby cousins this time too (Landon and Braydon) which was really nice. So cute all the babies!!Chloe and Claire interacted a little more than the last time they saw each other now that they are both bigger. Claire is rolling over and trying to sit and crawl. Chloe is able to run cirlces around her - and all the adults too. It's quite tiring! She is not walking yet though....but, she can crawl and cruise really fast!

We tried to give the two a bath together............that did not go so well. Claire was happy as always...Chloe did not like it one bit! I dont know if it was the big tub (because I still have her in the infant tub in the kitchen sink) or if it was the fact that another person was in there with her. I think it was the tub itself.

Oh yeah - total coincidence!! I got Chloe her PJs in one room, Mitch got Claire's PJs in another room - and when we both came out with the same ones.....we all laughed!

Chloe's eighth tooth made its debut yesterday. It has just broken the skin. But, I am excited as now she will have four on both top and bottom. Symmetry! Yay! She also took a few more steps at Grandma and Grandpa's this weekend. And....she took like five whole steps here last night. It was pretty exciting. She now points at everything. Still clapping, but the waiving (except the double arm flaying) has gone by the wayside. Oh well. There is only so much room for acquired skills and sometimes the old ones suffer to allow room for the new ones. They are not totally forgotten I am sure. She is babbling lots more these days too. No precise words yet, but we will let you know when she does. Chloe, like most children....hates to head the word 'NO' - now, that's funny to watch. She goes from happy (because she is getting into mischief presumably) to really, really sad and crying. All fake I warn you, all fake (the tears). It's all pretty cute if you ask me!
Well, that's really it for us Kells' for now. Lots of the same, despite all the travel and excitement. We hope everyone is enjoying their summers!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Chloe Takes Her First Step!!

Chloe took her first solo step on Tuesday!!!! Like I previously reported, she has been standing for several seconds on her own and yesterday she went to the next step - pun intended! It was so exciting!! Brad thought she made like a half step the night before so we knew it wasn't far off. But, I was in the condo lobby hanging out for just a bit and put her down and she crawled away from me, and then viola! - she took two (2) BIG steps before she fell to her butt. Innocent bystanders in the lobby probably thought I was crazy jumping up and down and asking my friend if she saw it too. Oh well, babies do make you a tad crazy in that way, don't they? Today she took another one step. However, Chloe is so advanced in just about everything...this is one thing I am not rushing. Once she starts walking....that's it!

Chloe, I discovered today, is also a climber - big time. I caught her on top of our tool box today, reaching for her books on the bookshelf. This is no small tool box let me tell you. Then, soon after, we were playing on the floor and she crawled up onto my legs, onto our ottoman and onto our couch. Amazing. Now not only do I have to worry about her crawling, and walking....I have to worry about her vertical abilities too!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chloe is Eight Months Old!!

Chloe is eight months old today!!

Another week since our last blog and we have celebrated another first holiday (Happy Belated July 4th!), been on yet another road trip, and Chloe has another tooth!! We are busy people. We are tired people.
Here's Chloe on July 4th, at McDonalds, eating Ronald McDonald cookies! Yum!

We went to Oil City this past weekend to attend my boss Jeff's wedding to Chris Ann. The nuptuals were beautiful. The reception was a lot of fun. Chloe was a champ for the whole weekend - including the near 7-hour drive each way (I have become quite the baby entertainer !!). They had a Polka band at the wedding and Chloe seemingly, and surprisingly, loved it. Brad was holding her on the floor and she was going nuts 'dancing'!! It was really cute. People were surprised how well she was hanging in there and not fussing at all. She enjoyed some mashed pototoes for dinner too!
She now has 6 teeth total! The other top one finally made a full debut this weekend along with a new lower one. It's unbelievable. And, she is quite enjoying them we think. When she eats one of her snack puffs, she now bites off little pieces where she formally just ate the puff in its entirety. Practicing I suppose, seeing what those teefers can do! I told her she is only to bite food............not Mommy! Let's hope she understands what I am saying!!!

Today she was really trying to stand solo. She goes from the crawling position, to feet on the ground, hands on the ground, butt in the air -- and that's as far as she can make far. It took me a while to figure out that's what she was trying to do - I just thought it was funny the first few times. And it is. It is so amazing to watch babies grow and discover and acquire new skills, one at a time.

I have been taking Chloe in the pool a few times a week when we are home and she just loves it! It is really fun seeing how excited she gets. We don't stay too long, but it's a nice break from being closed up and it's not shopping! Yesterday I had her in there so long her lil toe toes were all wrinkled!

She is sleeping a tad better these days. Still not sleeping thru the night and I am not sure if its the teeth or hunger or both. She eats less I think than she once was. She is just not interested. She likes her snacks and her biscuits tons though and thats probably because its not 'baby food' and she can assert her independence and its crunchy and hard on her teeth. Oh well - you win some, you lose some. She will eat when she is hungry...I am not stressing about it!

Brad's parents are due in tomorrow for a visit and we are excited to have them. They will be stunned and amazed at thier granddaughter's growth since the last time we saw them. Should be a fun few days!