Saturday, April 25, 2009

Chloe's Fist Tooth!!!!!!

Chloe and I went to our first party today! A Meet-the-Baby Baby Shower! Another precious doll was born into this world - Isabella. We had a really wonderful time and Chloe was loving all the attention and being quite the lil entertainer moving all around, laughing and showing off her new skills.

After everyone had pretty much left I was giving Chloe a taste of water (because boy what a hot day we had today)................................and to my surprise, make that delight, I discovered the beginnings of a little itsy bitsy toofie!!

It shouldn't have surprised me too much because I had had a dream three nights ago that she cut a tooth and we didn't even realize until it was fully in and secondly, she has been a stinker for the past three days. This might explain it!

Today was her second day of cereal and it did not go so great. After about 6 mouthfuls - each of which she gagged down - she gagged one last time and puked everywhere. Oh, the joy! So, tomorrow we try again.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Yum! Cereal Time!

Chloe had her first taste of cereal today! I woke up this morning and know what?...I am going to give it a go! Figuring the first few attempts would be just that - attempts, I had to get started sooner or later! Also, the fact that I need to get her eating before our next visit in May and that she is not sleeping through the night at all anymore was all the reasons I needed. She actually did really well. I got everything set up...and sh e was getting excited when she saw the high chair being opened up which I took as a good sign. We then sat together and proceeded on our journey of solid foods together. She wanted to be in total control - which should not have surprised me one bit. She had very good control over the spoon as far as holding it and putting it in her mouth. We got about ten little mouthfuls of cereal then the squirming and fussing started and the journey - for today - was over. All in all, I give it a 10. For a first attempt it was both fun and successful

Other than that, not too much else going on. She loves her activity bouncer seat we got her. We finally got batteries (after 4, yes 4, runs for them!) for the keyboard part of it and once that was all put together she fell in love all over again! She is still amazed and excited by the cats. She is creeping (I guess thats the 'technical' word) everywhere (into the kitchen, the bathroom and around to my desk...but, let's be honest - this condo ain't that big!!) - can't hold her still anymore!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A New Toy for Baby!

I know I just posted...but, we got Chloe her first big 'toy' today! I stationary activity bouncer. She fell in love at the store. Brad instantly put it together and she got a few minutes in it tonight before bed time. What a doll!

Friday, April 17, 2009

A Friend and Motivator

Who knew that the kitty cats would be the motivation Chloe needed to crawl?!? Or that her and Bam would get along so well?

In the last week or so, Chloe has finally realized that there are two furry animals crawling around the condo. It's really cute to see her get excited and put her hands out because she wants to 'pet' them. She still doesn't quite understand gentle (as she tugs on their ears!)...but, they don't seem to mind too much (yet). The kitties are still a little bit afraid of her, and rightfully so.

Last night I was home alone with Chloe and the kitties and had on her the floor. Everytime I turned around, she was in a different place....quite far from where I had placed her. Strange. So, I watched....she is chasing Bam around the condo I discovered. Now, its not perfect crawling....but, it is moving on her hands and knees in a foward direction....I would say this is the start we have been waiting for!

Check out a short video of Chloe and Bam (I had a longer one, where she moved about 8 feet...but, I recorded wrong!) So, this is what I managed to get today. It's still pretty cute.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

First Vist from the Easter Bunny!

Happy Belated Easter!
Chloe went on her second road trip this Easter! Another 8-hour trip under her belt, and she was an angel going and coming. Despite the rain, and the long drive, it was a huge success as Chloe pretty much slept thru the whole thing. We went to Ohio to spend the holiday with Brad's family. It was really wonderful. The Easter Bunny brought her lots of goodies!

We also got to meet lil cousin Claire for the first time! Yay! We have been waiting to get back to Ohio for several weeks now, and this was the first opportunity we had. She is a doll! We don't remember Chloe being that small....she was....and now she is so big. The girls got along as much as a 5 week and a 5 month old can. We all can't wait for the days when they are able to really play together - for now, just a little holding and grabbing on to Claire. It was cute.

Not too much new for the lil one. She is really starting to get around and play on the floor and is touching and scratching anything her hands come into contact with. She vibrates with excitement when she wants to touch something - pretty funny stuff. She is so entertaining. The giggles are coming more and more and I truly cannot get enough.

Her schedule (the small routine she actually does have) is a little off from the trip so we hope to get back on track with that this week. We have no plans for several weeks and we are a bit excited about that. Laying low. And we will be starting on a few new things like sippy cups and cereal here in the next week or two, so we need the down time. Then it all starts again - we have a busy spring, summer and fall already in the works!

Check out the Easter and other pictures from the weekend on the slide show. We hope everyone had a great holiday! Bet everyone can't wait until the next one!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chloe is Five Months Old!!!

Yesterday Chloe was FIVE months old! Not too much has changed in the past week. She is just a wiggle worm, determined to move! Diaper changes are not so much fun anymore (were they ever?)...I have nearly perfected changing her upside down!

Brad's parents just visited for a few days and it was a wonderful visit. We spent time just hanging out, did a little bit of shopping and eating and most importantly - we baby proofed!! Still a few things more to do - but we got a good jump start.
We are off to Ohio this weekend for Easter. Will be Chloe's second road trip - let's hope this one goes pretty smoothly!
Maybe I will have some crawling news next time......................