Monday, March 30, 2009

Our Angel Dressed in Baby's Clothing

Life has been a little busy for the past two weeks. Chloe is growing like a weed and learning something new every day. We are just trying to keep up! We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful little girl who brings so much joy into our lives. She is such a happy, healthly, easy going and smart baby.

Chloe had her first cold - no fun. Poor thing had a pretty bad runny nose for about 2 weeks. As a result we had several vapor baths and lots of nose bulbing. She was, understandably, a bit uncomfortable and a bit cranky. But, I think it has passed, thank heavens!

We also visited with Uncle Neil in Maryland. That was a lot of fun! That weekend she learned yet another new skill - scooting backwards. Baby girl is so determined to move she figured whichever way she could go was fine with her! Check out the boys playing with the baby.

Nana Alana also came into town for the past week. We had been counting down the days until she came...and now - poof - she is gone again [insert frown]. We had a great time though while it lasted. Nana got a huge giggle fit out of Chloe literally 2 hours off the plane. Brad and I work hard as heck for 2 or 3 over the past 4 months, and she gets one within hours - ahhhhhh, grandmas! But, I think the giggles are coming more often now - and we can't get enough! The three girls shopped til we dropped, the three adults ate way too much food, and all of us just enjoyed spending time with each other. It was great!

The crawling is coming soon!! She is getting the hang of it. Her butt is up in the air, the the knees are starting to bend under, the arms are extended - now for the coordinated movement. She wiggles and moves around constantly as is, so, it's just a matter of time before she is on the go!

She is also super interested in cups, my cup. Really - she is super interested in everything!!! And it all goes in the mouth. She eats her blankets, her stuffed animals, her rattles and toys, her clothing, her binky grip, her toes, and the list just gets longer and longer. The novelty of discovery - so sweet.

Bad news (for me) is that Chloe has been waking up during the night...every single night without fail, between 2:30-4:00am, she wakes up, eats, and goes back to sleep. This just started 2 weeks ago. So, the first week she had that cold/runny nose so I chalked it up to that and the second week, Nana was in town and her schedule was a bit off, so I chalked it up to that. Last night - no cold, no Nana - same thing. So, we are going to wait this week (or a few days) out and see how it goes. If it continues...we will be starting her on the cereal! I am half excited, half sad, and half scared! Oh, thats one and half people! You know what I mean. Just another sign that she is getting bigger and growing - which is so exciting, but a part of you wants them to remain babies forever!!
We will keep you posted on the lil one. For now, check out the few videos and pictures. Hope everyone is doing well. Bring on the spring!!

Oh, and I think Chloe has a shoe problem!!
Check out all the cute sandals she has for the summer.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kiss Me, I'm Irish!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Chloe's first St. Patty's Day is here. She will be having green milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. LOL! We are not doing much to celebrate (tired). But, she is dressed for the occasion regardless!

Also, here is a short video of the baby after her bath
having a little play time last night.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chloe's a Big Girl!

The highchair came out of storage today! How exciting!! And we had zero intentions of setting it up just yet - we just bought it upstairs because we were in the storage organizing and it was taking up valuable space and we figured, 'what the heck, we will be using it in a month, bring it up!'. Oh gosh - I am in the kitchen cooking (and Brad has already set it up because he absolutely loves putting things together) and he puts Chloe in it, for a laugh presumably, and she just loves it!! She was all smiles.

So exciting, and so sad. Our little girl just keeps getting bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger, smarter and smarter, and if possible, more beautiful each and every day. It's not really sad....just crazy how time is flying. She will be crawling in no time! Watch out world!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another Check-Up

Chloe went for her 4 Month well -baby visit today. She was so good! She weighed in at 12lbs 12oz and measured 24in long. She is still in the 25th percentile for weight and almost 40th percentile for both height and head circumference. Kind of a little one!

The doctor is very happy with her growth and her strength. Again she warned me that she was going to be an early mover and shaker! Chloe won't be starting on cereal/solids until she is 5-5 1/2 months old. Because she is right on track with weight gain, she is sleeping well and thru the night and has not formed any allergies, the doctor doesn't want me to start on solids just yet.

Same as last visit, she got her one oral shot and her four shots in her leg - ouchy! I don' know who it hurts more - me or her? I had to go it alone today because Brad has class. But, luckily, it all worked out. She even smiled in forgiveness to the nurse who administered the shots only minutes later. Such a sweetie! And, by the time the cab arrived, she had ate and was fast asleep.

Now back at home, she has played a little bit, ate some more of course...and has been napping for the past few hours. What a day!

Look at my boo boos!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Chloe is Four Months Old!!

Not too much to say - except OMG! It's hard to believe that our baby girl is already four whole months old. Four months ago today we were panicked with a day old newborn! Look how far we have come. It was a pretty nice day in Virginia today. To celebrate, we all got up pretty early (it's all relative), went to brunch (breakfast, just happened to be lunch time), shopped a little bit (what would a Saturday be without any shopping at all?), visited with Aunt Connie and had a walk around Vienna. It was really great! Now, Chloe is pooped and asleep in her crib - ahhhhh.

More updates to come on Tuesday when she goes to her third well baby visit. More shots!! Noooooo!! And, I am going this one alone - Daddy is in class! Wish us luck.

Baby cousin Claire is here!! She was born March 6th at 6pm. She weighed in at 8lbs12oz and 21 in. Welcome to the world lil one!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Frustrated Learning To Roll

Lil munchkin has figured out rolling over for several weeks now, she evens rolls both ways finally! Her Mommy, however, could not figure out how to post a video! After many, many hours on the computer, frustrated myself, I just happened upon how to do it today. Yay for me! So, look out for more lil video clips in the future!

On another note -- Chloe's cousin Claire should be making her grand entrance into the world today!!