Tuesday, February 24, 2009

She Shakes, Rattles and Rolls!!

Chloe is becoming quite active these days. She has learned to completely roll over now! Although, she only rolls one way - to the left. But, thats okay! Changing her diapers has become increasingly difficult as she attempts to roll, slightly uphill mind you, while you are trying desperately to get a fresh diaper on her bum. Fun stuff!

She also grabs toys and rattles that you give her or her musical on her bouncer. And everything, and I mean everything, is headed to one place these days....her mouth!! From the boobs of course, to the paci, to the rattle, to any blanket, to her clothes...and even the polka dots off her clothes!! Its sweet.

She is still very chatty, but does have quieter days too. Today was not one of those days...she was not quiet for a minute unless she was asleep. She has started to almost howl, thats the only way I can describe it. I think she is building a repertoire of sounds, experimenting if you will.

Not much else is going on. She is three and half months old and we are wondering where the time went. I have taken over 1200 pictures, filled one scrapbook, two small photo albums and am in need of a new bookshelf for all her books (lets not discuss the clothes!!). We still get our baths every evening, take walks when the weather permits and run errands on the weekend with Daddy. Bring on spring time!

The adjustment to parenthood simply continues everyday as we observe and enjoy our ever changing and growing daughter do just that - change and grow. She learns new things everyday, and so do we! It truly is a beautiful thing.

Oh - and cousin Claire should be making her debut anyday now! Auntie Andie and Crazy Uncle Mitch are in their last week of pregnancy. Whoo-hoo!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Sweet Valentine!

Chloe celebrated her first Valentine's Day in style and with family. She is now completely rolling over and it is so exciting to watch. She gave Brad and I another giggle outburst last week. My face still slightly hurts from laughing with her. It's just so precious - as is everything she does!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chloe Is Three Months Old!!

Three months ago today we welcomed the arrival of our beautiful, precious, wonderful baby girl into this world. We can't believe how much she has grown and what a joy she is to have in our lives.

Today we packed away Mommy's maternity clothes - finally! We also packed away the size 1 diapers and out came the next size up! Every time she outgrows her diapers or clothes, I get a little sad. It's the reality check on how fast she is growing.

But, the growth is also very exciting. She is learning to grasp things now like toys and rattles, and on occasion Mommy's hair. She is half rolling over both from front to back and back to front. She is just dying to sit up and go! And talk! She is babbling more than ever. It's so cute. As hard as she tries to do all these things...she gets quite frustrated and as much as we shouldn't laugh, the grunting in exhaustion and frustration is just too funny!

Not much else is going on here. Brad has been working a lot lately...and apparently this will be going on for the next month. That leaves me and Chloe home a lot by our lonesomes. Thank goodness I have her to keep me company! I am still working from home and very thankful that the schedule of it all is working out (thanks boss!).

We are anxiously awaiting the warmer weather so that we can get out with the baby a little bit more. Soon enough!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Go Steelers!!

It's game day! We are so psyched to see our Steelers in the Super Bowl again. Yippee! Now, let's just win it! Chloe is all dressed up in support of her Daddy's team. Naturally, Mommy and Chloe have adopted Daddy's team as their very own.

Chloe is 12 weeks old already! She now babbles and babbles as Aunt Connie and Uncle Ed witnessed this weekend. She smiles, thrashes, kicks her feet and is developing quite a little personality. She now sucks her thumb too! This has been work in progress for a little while now, but, it has just come to be a habbit over the last few days. And, she just loves it!! It is such a joy to watch her change every day. She also giggled!! It was by far one of the most amazing moments of my life so far. Brad was holding her, and I was kissing her little toe-toes and laughing....and she giggled! Like three times! This was no fluke. I got completely and utterly overwhelmed and started to cry....and she started to cry too. So, so, so precious. I can hardly take it!
Well, more to come as the days go on I am certain. Till next time - Go Steelers! I have also posted some more pics. Hope the new year is still treating everyone well.

And last but not least --- A special shout out to a very special woman, friend, mother and now grandmother - HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANA!